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grrrr.I am so sick of this

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ok i talked to my ex Eddie last night and he was so sweet and told me to call him 2day at 4, so i did and he said he was gonna take a shower he'll call me back in 10 mins....did he call..ooo no. Of course not. Im so sick of waiting for him to call when I know he isnt....what do i do.

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You head on out and go have early dinner with friends, a coffee at the local bookstore, a walk in the park. Anything to take you away from the phone and from feeling bad he didn't call.



Now he has to work harder to get a hold of you. Your time is valuable--he needs to learn that and return calls when he says he will. Show him!

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Has he called you yet? If not, it's time to move on...If he's still interested in you, he would've called you right after the shower, when he told you he would. Perhaps at this moment he's still considering the guilt he's feeling for leading you on into thinking he'd call you right afterwards.... If he said that, he knows he should have called. NOW.... this is a blatant feeling of either:


1: CONFUSION: If he calls you, he doesn't know at this point whether or not he still wants to be with you. He's ambivalent about calling you, meaning he definitely has doubts about his relationship with you. Are these feelings REALLY what you want in a boyfriend?


2: MOVING ON: Oh, my god, I can't believe you're realizing this. Has he met someone else? Or has he come to terms that maybe his life will proceed without you and that he feels he may find happiness elsewhere?


I've been on the other side, when I've had a boyfriend who I love deeply, but have decided on the other side-that there are simply too many other opportunities for happiness that I have never experienced without (your name here)


Not that it's personal, I feel just that it may be your and your boyfriend's time to spend with others. Perhaps it's time you find out who you REALLY need to be spending time with rather than spending it on one who's continually unsure of your relationship. If you're unhappy with this situation, you are strong-willed and independent enought to move on and find someone worthy of your time and dedication. Good luck to you, though I know you'll be fine.

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