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Shes acting weird

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Shes acting weird since last night, maybe an probably im reading too much into it but theres something different about her!


Last nite after telling her i like her best mate who has a bf (for which she asked constantly for about 30mins to get) she told me she loved me, i thought she was kidding altho i didnt entirely know, so i kinda said umm ok love ya 2 lol!


Then today i see her, she doesnt come over and say hello, just spoke to her she said she didnt say hi coz i was chatting which is fair enough, then she wants me to come to a fashion show with her on tuesday (her best mate and a good mate of mine (same bloke) will also be there) she says she will pay if i want! I say ill pay her back and ill come should be fun!


Then randomly (were on msn btw) she starts going xxx x x and i say thanks and she goes x love ya!


and not knowing again i said love ya 2!


Thing is i say brb and she says k hurry up! i say u miss me? yeah she says! i say well ur only human!


then i have to go so i go!


Thing is shes never acted like this before, for me i dunno if anyone else agrees, the xxx and the love ya is a sign of intrest? or is she just kidding? its not something shes ever said before nor acted like that before!


everytime ive asked her out to do something in the past shes said no!


shes always been quite flirtatous and touches alot!


i dunno, somethins weird about her last couple of days and i dont know what it is!

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Dude im exactly in ur position, with a good friend. Its hard to decypher their feelings but u hav to watch their body language, what they say and how they say it. If u want it to get more serious id say ask her out to a movie or something that u would enjoy together. Just a note though be careful because with the person im in the same situation with, she is very flirtatious and likes touching (even if its inappropriate ) and its hard to tell their true intentions. GOOD LUCK! And may the force be with you!

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Last nite after telling her i like her best mate who has a bf (for which she asked constantly for about 30mins to get) she told me she loved me

Then randomly (were on msn btw) she starts going xxx x x and i say thanks and she goes x love ya!

Thing is shes never acted like this before, for me i dunno if anyone else agrees, the xxx and the love ya is a sign of intrest?

everytime ive asked her out to do something in the past shes said no!

Be careful my friend. Sounds like she loves the "attention" she gets from you, and you made it stronger by telling her you like her friend. She wants you to like HER, that's why she's changed all of a sudden. You can try asking her to hang out to see if she bites, but it doesn't sound like she's being very genuine. Yes, some women need that to feel good about themselves even if the feelings aren't mutual. I bet if you start ignoring her a little she'll take the flirting up another notch. Try it out man, see if it happens (consider it as your little experiment, lol).

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