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I was wondering what are some mens' feelings and thoughts as your using the public men's bathrooms, with random unfamiliar men coming in, out, and even day to day. I think if the women's bathroom was design with no close doors for privacy, I think I would possible feel uneasy (like stage fright) and also would think I am not as beautiful physical (being half nake),if I saw a someone's body I thought was nice looking.

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Well if you were to go in a guy's washroom, you would find they do have stalls for some "business" and the urinals have sort of a "system" or "etiquette" to them that everyone seems to know..if there are three urinals for example, and two guys, they tend to take the opposing sides.


If there are two urinals and no line, one will wait.


In any case they always look straight ahead...some places (nicer ones) even have televisions above urinals..lol.


It's not like you are checking one another out, and they get naked...that's what zippers and "trapdoors" are for! They are not staring at one anothers package and trying to compare...against the "etiquette" of the urinal use!


I was in the military and often you found yourself showering and changing with both men and women, it's not "sexual" or anything, and you get used to it.


In some cultures nudity is a lot more present, and again it is not sexual nor do they sit around and compare their bodies to everyone else, it is just the way that life is there.

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Those are the unwritten rules, yes, but not everyone follow them.


My office bathroom has three stalls with doors, and two urinals right next to eachother. The urinal on the left looks like it is for either midgets or children. There are no privacy walls between them.


There is one guy in my office who will always walk up to the kiddie urinal when I am pissing and whip it out. Since the urinal is so low, he's just free as an eagle. The worst part is, he always turns his head to me and tries to start a conversation. Man... use the stall.

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The best way i can describe using a urinal to females is that when men are using it well all pretend that there is an imaginary line that you never look below. Atleast thats what it seems like because most of the time you are just looking straight ahead, if you are having a convo you might be looking at the other person but for me most part guys just dont want to glance in that general direction of other mans junk.

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I was wondering what are some mens' feelings and thoughts as your using the public men's bathrooms, with random unfamiliar men coming in, out, and even day to day. I think if the women's bathroom was design with no close doors for privacy, I think I would possible feel uneasy (like stage fright) and also would think I am not as beautiful physical (being half nake),if I saw a someone's body I thought was nice looking.


There are just rules we men instinctively are programmed with that we stick to them no matter what. No rule ever gets broken...the only time that happens is if one of the men is gay. I have never had that happen to me though.


Now as for public restrooms, I have no qualms over using them. Hell at a couple of places I worked, I knew men there who would spend at least an hour or two each day in the restroom stall. They practically set up their own office in there. They had a paper, their cell phone, sometimes a cup of coffee. I guess they just didn't want to be at their desk.

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It's not the "open environment" that disturbs a person, I don't think that really mattered because the rule is to, like other poster mentioned, not look below a certain line when you're looking in the left or right.


What disturbs me most is the urine that people accumulate through indirect aim to the ground. (getting a bit graphical here, i know.) Then you have to step in places where the accumulated urine is either dried, or haven't been aimed upon.


In regards to strangers making a conversation. It was funny. But never had it happen to me before, although I know I would be totally disturbed if that happens.

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