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Fatal Attraction anyone who had one

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im so scared right about now. Please dont think wrongly of me....but im obsessed over my ex. I truly love him, and im so afraid its gonna turn into a fatal attraction. How do I stop calling him all the time and thinking about him....if I change I know I can get him back...so how do i change....did anyone ever have a fatal attraction to someone and would do anything to be with him or her....please tell me what you did to stop it

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yeah I did, lol. It was aweful. I finally woke up one morning and said to myself fine I'll just do it, i'll cut off all contact with him and just back off. I did it for almost 2 years and now we are friends. And I haven't been all obsessed with anyone sense that cause I had bad depression and other stuff I got taken care of which stopped it.

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I agree with the other posters. Set limits.... Limit contact..... show some self control.


I did a year of NC with my ex, just in the past week we've begun talking, hashed out some issues we both had.... and I believe it's the start of what I hope turns out to be a good friendship.


You can do it too!

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im so scared right about now. Please dont think wrongly of me....but im obsessed over my ex. I truly love him, and im so afraid its gonna turn into a fatal attraction. How do I stop calling him all the time and thinking about him....if I change I know I can get him back...so how do i change....did anyone ever have a fatal attraction to someone and would do anything to be with him or her....please tell me what you did to stop it




I have been where you have and you do not want to repeat the same mistakes that I did.


Do you know I am still seething and thinking about my ex and how he wronged me and how I would love the opportunity to kick him and his girl in the a**?


I am constantly feeling paranoid on a daily thinking that I have ran into him when in reality it might be someone who looks like him.


Is is like I am suffering from panic attacks and schizophrenia! borderline even.


Save yourself by finding other things to do.


Keep yourself occupied. Play a sport , go get some air, find a job hang with people that will help you get over your boyfriend but most importantly stopping you from calling him.


Trust me, if you don't then he will never speak to you again and you will forever turn him away. I know I did this with my ex and it push him so far you could not even see him if he was standing on the planet Pluto!


I begged him, and pleaded to him take me back and sacrificed my integrity for a man to treat me like a doormat.


Is that what you want to be, a doormat? Ask yourself thisquestion. If you do not get a grip on yourself and your actions you will never be able to move forward.


Learn to have self-control. You might have relapses but do it slowly and take it one step at a time.


Otherwise, your ex wins and gains confidence and feels that he has no reason to get back with you ever and he did the right thing in leaving you or whatever. Also it will send the message that you are too needy and clingy.


Save yourself before this beats you inside and he feels sorry for you.

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