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I been dating this girl that I live with for the past two years and with in the last month we broke up because she said I was accusing her of doing thing that she has never done she said she is feed up. With in the past month I realize that I really love and care for this person and I want so much for it to work out but she keeps shutting me out she will do things with me like go out and have dinner etc. but she said it only to keep the peace but I feel that if she would open up and stop closing the door on me that it would work out.

The other problem is that she gave me 90 days to move out and at that point she been sleeping in the other room for the past month how do I continue to live in the same house as her and want this to work but she does not and how should I ask around the home what should I do help!!!!!!!!11

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Sounds like you sorta messed this one up. Sorry to hear it.

The best you can do is respect her desire to find something better for herself.

But you do live there still so if you do want her back the best you can do is show respect, be calm, be sweet and maybe you can show her a new side of yourself. Just dont be pushy. Start makes plans to move, showing her you understand why...If you are right for her, she wont let you leave.

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Just give her some space and do the same for yourself. Perhaps if you find a place of your own and show her that you have your independence she will see what she is missing. Don't throw it in her face, but just be confident in what you do. Send out positive energy and it will be absorbed in everything around you and hopefully her as well.

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i think the key here is that you said "i want this to work out but she doesnt". the hard part about dealing with a breakup is coming to terms that one party doesnt want it anymore. without two there is no relationship. i would try and talk with her one more time if you feel it might help. ask her if she really feels that it is really over or can it be resolved with the work from both of you. goodluck

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