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my best friend was at my other friends house and said that he saw on IM that my gf said that she liked him. i asked her if she did and the friend that she said it do. they both denied it. what should i do to find out the truth. what should i do at all????

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Nothing you can do really. She's your ex GF, not current, correct? How are you being played? What she chooses to do, and who she chooses to date is entirely her business now, not yours.

Where did he say ex-girlfriend?


If they both deny it then accept it for now - but keep your eyes open and guard your heart.,

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gah. You're right. That's what I get for reading posts so late at night...my eyes are deceiving me.


That does change things. Serious trust issue...I'd agree with DN that there's not much you can do but keep your eyes open for other red flags. You could break up with her over this if you really don't trust her, but that's entirely your call and perhaps a little bit premature.

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honestly im gonna tell you right now im in the exact....too the tee, the same situation. She could have said ooo I like you, but not in the way of oooo i want to be your girlfriend way. Talk is so cheap. If you didnt see it, dont believe it....

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