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How Do Women Show Thier Men that they Love Them?

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By treating them with respect and honesty, a good solid friendship, special things like cooking a dinner, tickets to a baseball game, a picnic in the park, little notes or cards, just spending quality time together....alot of the same things a man will do so show his love and appreciation to a woman.

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Believe it or not some women show their love by nagging. lol. They don't do it intentionally. If women didn't love the men they were with then they wouldn't express their feelings about the things that bother them. They simply wouldn't care. It's just that sometimes we can get carried away with telling you how we feel and it can turn into nagging. Now this isn't for all women. Some women nag because they're *******. You can also be pretty sure that when a woman says she loves you she means it. It also just depends on the woman. Some may express it by buying things for you, some may express it through making things for you, or some may express it through writing things for you. A woman's personality is like a shade of the rainbow. It just depends on which color of the rainbow your gf/wife is analogous to.

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Hugs, running her hands through your hair, holding you in her arms, calling you 24/7, just spending time with you, or even doing something with you that she knows you like, but you know she secretely hates it...or saying "I love you."


whom ever your with, you'll learn as she puts up with you and stays, take the hint that she cares for you back.


You'll catch on...unless your blind to love. lol

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There are many ways... For instance, I always do things for my boyfriend which some would look at as an inconvenience to me, such as not sleeping between a late night shift and an early morning shift of work so I can see him if we haven't seen eachother for a while (not so bad, though, he lets me doze). Doing things for him without him having to ask. Other ways are by going to most of his sporting events, family events, and just being involved and excited about his life while still giving him his space.

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sometimes in the kiss there's more emtion than hormones then when she says i love you it's straight into your eyes as if she wants you to read her thought and know it's true " the eye's are the windows to the soul" type of thing. the little sweet things she might do for you like little notes the constant calling

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