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She called after 6 months no contact after harsh break up

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My ex called me after 6 months of a harsh breakup, after we broke up she went back to her ex-boyfriend. The reason we broke up was because the whole the i was going out with her she was also involved with her ex. She really put me through a lot of pain, i was doing well, until saturday night, i was drunk at a party and she called, i didnt even recognize the number, we talked for like 10 minutes. She was like i called to say hi, i wanted to see if you are doing good with your work, and she said that i really think about you a lot, and i hope everything is okay with you. I just talked normal and told her i was doing great, big things were happening to me and everything was too good at this time. But now after that call the pain is all coming back to me, it really hurts and im starting to think about her again, can someone please please help me. I hate dealing with this pain, i wish she never called and i wish i never picked up the phone. Please help me, tell me if this is normal

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i promote NC!!! (i swear im going to make button that says that....)


its back to square one.. im sorry hunny. u were doing good and u know what? ull be good again soon. next time u recognize her number give it to some girl to pick up. how dare she call u and ask how u feel when she's back to her ex. she wants to have her cake and eat it to.


i have a feeling ill be going through the same thing in 6 months.......


man oh man....NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC

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