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well i really like this one girl, we're both around 15 and go to the same school and we have 1 class together (though this year is ending on thursday), i want to ask her to be my gf but i dont know how i would say it.. also she has had one bf and that guy was really a bad guy never really spent time with her and well i want to show her that i wouldnt be the same as him and i dunno just how should i do this..?

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I disagree with superhero.


You don't want to make such drama out of it. Just tell her that you'd like to hang out someday, and ask if she has email and when you have that, go for phone number.


Go up to her and start talking about whatever.. and when you have talked like 5 mins, say: "anyway, I gotta get going now, it was nice talking with you.. do you have email?". Be confident and say it like you couldn't care less if she says she doesn't want to give it or some other rejection. Infact, be mentally prepared so that you can actually laugh when you hear rejection. That attitude at least doubles your chances, trust me on this - it's from link removed and it's 100% correct in most cases.

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Try a combo method. Don't rush into telling her you like her, start small and ask to hang out with her sometime. Make sure she has a great time then. After you have hung around each other and really gotten to know each other, then be completely honest and upfront with your feelings. She will have had time to get to know you so she won't be going too fast and she should appreciate your honesty. It wouldn't be dramatic, it should come off as sweet and from the heart.


Oh, and if you start talking to her and its going well, keep talking to her as long as you can then ask for a number or email once you really do have to part. Theres no point acting like you have to go or making some phony excuse after 5 minutes or something. You want to get to know each other, and the more you talk the better.

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