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should i trust him at all?

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ill try and make this short! i met my boyfriend ten months ago at the time him and i had significant others he had been with his girl for 6 yrs he is now 22. i had been with my man for 4 yrs iam now 20. he had been having problems with her when he met me, we hit it off instantly i could never have a connection like that with anyone else he says the same. they broke up and so did my bf and i we were already in the process. he kinda left her for me, so we dated on and off he talked to his ex everyday kept going back to her i dated around, he finally picked me and wanted to be with me only. so now were together and are doing well together except one thing, he still talks to his ex alot. she calls him all the time just to tell him about her life she also has a new bf and says shes is very happy with him. my boyfriend says i have nothing t worry about, we share a cell phone plan and i can check how many times he tlaks to her and when. they have been talking more lately i have talked to him about it and he just does not understand how i feel about the situation i dont mind them being friends but not talsking everyday and texting. i worry i dont know what they talk about or text each other i dont want o get screwed. he says he wants me and only me and knows this will work but i odnt trust him he swears he has no feleings like for her just as a friend. what should i do him talking to her makes me sick to my stomach, i hate it and we fight because of it, please help

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If it bothers you...he shouldn't be doing it. It makes perfect sense that this would bother you...everyday is too much. Once a week would probably be enough to bug me. If he is not stopping regardless of how upset it makes you...i would give him an ultimatum. Regardless of whether it's harmless of not he should be taking your feelings into consideration.

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Agreed with DN. While it is a little extreme that they are talking every day and after 6 years they certainly do have alot of history together, if you pose an ultimatum, you need to be prepared to follow through should he refuse to give her up.


Perhaps you could pose the question to him this way. Ask him, "How would it make you feel if I talked every day with my ex bf of 4 years and we texted all the time?"


Maybe if he can see where you are coming from, he will respect your position and feelings a little bit more. Just a thought....

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