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Why do ppl get Blue when their love interest is around?

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ok, just a question out of interest,

why do people feel blue when they see the people they love. I have seen this in a buddy of mine, He is interested in a girl, and when she is not around he such a fun person to be around, but as soon as she comes into the picture he seems down and blue (sentimental) i suppose...It isn;t like him. So if anyone here has a idea why pls voice up, i really interested.

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next qeustion,

have you ever heard of 2 ppl being in love with one another that are bad for one another?


Oh, yeah...just keep reading posts on this message board. There are quite a number of examples of "he/she is bad for me but I can't let go...I loooove him/her"


For that matter just watch any episode of Maury or Jerry Springer or any of those trash-tv talk shows. You see it all the time there.


Yeah, it's pathetic. I'm allowed to say that because I've been one of those people, and I was pretty darn pathetic when I was going back and forth with an alcoholic ex.


Making healthy choices isn't always easy. This is true when it comes to food and also relationships.

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haha, food is even harder, but I've never had to pay child support to a Big Mac.


When you mentioned the talk shows, I see sometimes on Dr Phil -or even talking to someone I know- that someone talks about their life or love issues and I am almost screaming at the TV saying; "HELLO? Are you stupid? ditch the loser !! How obvious does it have to get??", and then I see that nearly all of it applies to my own situation and for some reason it just ain't that simple...weird how the thinking becomes clouded once our own emotions are involved!


As to the poster's question, I would bet money that at least 50% (if not many more) relationships are between 2 people who are "bad' for each other.

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As to the poster's question, I would bet money that at least 50% (if not many more) relationships are between 2 people who are "bad' for each other.


Probably even more. People are breaking up or divorcing every day for this reason. They think they're perfect, but one day they realize, "Wow, we are really wrong for eachother." I'm sure just about everyone has or will be in a "bad relationship" at one point in time. Likely even more than on only one occasion. But if we didn't have thses "bad relationships," though, then we would probably all be marrying our first boyfriend/girlfriend.

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haha, food is even harder, but I've never had to pay child support to a Big Mac.


Support payment? No. But the city of Detroit was considering a fast food tax. link removed


People get into relationships for the wrong reasons all the time (they were lonely, they were horny, friends thought they'd be great with this other person, family pressure to marry young...blah blah blah). Get into a relationship for the wrong reasons and ignore red flags like addiction, violence etc., don't be surprised when it crashes and burns.

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I remember when i was at school when i saw the guy i fancied i would be on a complete high and then afterwards id feel so crap, not that he done anything wrong, id talk to him and have a laugh but felt rubbish after the conversation, i think its to do with building up the excitment of being round the person and when your not with them you feel crap maybe because nothing happened romantically

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I have an idea why some people get like that around their love interests because I am that type of person, expect it isn't only when love interests are around.


I think it has to do with shyness. I don't say much when people are around that I am unfamiliar with. But when you get to know me, I can be a loud mouth and don't seem shy at all.


Its especially bad when someone that I like is around or someone that I find attractive. Its a bad trait to have for meating women, thats for sure!

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