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Could work colleague be interested?

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Hi guys

This is a follow up to my post two weeks ago. So I’ve still been messaging a guy at work I like on the work chat but haven’t met in person since the event 2 weeks ago.

Its still been me messaging first, but he did reply quickly and it seemed enthusiastic, with exclamation marks and emojis lol. He did also say we’d talk soon when he signed off one day. That really got me wondering if he’s interested. Do you think he could be?
Maybe he prefers not to take the lead and might not be big into messaging. It’s been on my mind a lot and it’s consuming me a bit. There is a work event soon and we might meet there.



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I would stop all messaging and see what happens at the work event.  My future husband asked me out after seeing me at 3 work events -first in October, second a few months later and third months after that.  We had no contact in between (this was 1994-95).  We spoke at each event -no flirting though!  Do you want a chat buddy or a potential date? Less is more.

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Don't put in more effort than you're getting. That's the best way to gauge interest. Doesn't matter how shy someone is or that they don't like messaging or messaging first. A person who is into you won't let a golden opportunity slip them by. I'd stop initiating texts unless he does it at least half the time. Let him approach you at the work event. Don't be some overeager puppy.

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