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Needing breaks? Bf falling out of love?

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I have been with my bf for 6 years (living together 5)  just recently he has been suggesting a break by me taking a trip to see my family. While I’m not against the idea I wanna know why. He says he doesn’t think we appreciate each other I think he misses the feel of the first couple of years (honeymoon phase) he’s hoping the break will reset that or help make us miss each other. Says we don’t motivate each other in bettering our lives financially he’s the only one that works because when we I would mention working he would tell me not to I was worried he wouldn’t like it if I did so I followed through. 

he reconnected with a friend I feel like he’s comparing their relationship with ours and taking advice from him. I think this way cause he’s saying all this stuff after talking with him. The friend’s relationship is going to hit 2 years and they have a child on the way, planning to get a house together. 

with that being said we live with his mom says we don’t motivate each other. I tell him if we did break up and you still didn’t do anything to better yourself financially what would be your excuse. I feel like he blames me for not having a better job. He confused me because he questions why I love him because he doesn’t have anything going for himself. 
I’m confused because i don’t feel like he’s completely open with me I’m afraid if he’s feeling like this now what’s going to happen in the future. I’m feeling like he’s not being honest so he doesn’t hurt me. Because he also mentions whether I would still wanna be friends if we ever broke up and wanna get back together in the future. 

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1 hour ago, Leapinglion said:

I have been with my bf for 6 years (living together 5). we live with his mom. I feel like he blames me for not having a better job. 

Sorry this is happening. Do you both work? Go to school? How old is he?

What is the reason you are living with his mother? Perhaps seeing your family would be a good idea.

Not to rekindle things but for you to reflect where this is going and why you're in his mother's house.

It's possible his family thinks it's the time for you to move out and live with your own parents. 

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Breaks don't generally fix relationship problems. They usually make them worse. 

If a couple is uneable to resolve issues without taking a break from each other, then it's time to just break up. It makes no sense to spend time apart to motivate yourselves financially, so my guess is that there is more to this than he's telling you. 

But some other points of concern:
1) Why wouldn't he like you having a job?
2)Why are you two living with his mother?
3) What exactly do you do all day if you don't work?
4) Where does he expect you to go if he wants a break? You won't and shouldn't be able to remain under his mom's roof

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Is he allowed and are you allowed to pursue others during this break or keep options open? I think it's good to miss each other and yes I've seen breaks work -sort of worked for me with my ex -well, at least temporarily? But we didn't date anyone else during our month long break or try to - no way.  If it's a break to test things and you can try out other options -or he can -then to me that's a break up. I don't think his approach in this situation makes a lot of sense.

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Now you say this to him...taking a break doesn't and won't fix things, but communicating/having discussions will. Don't let him put things in your head. Demand honesty. This doesn't sound like an "us" issue but a him issue. Grow a spine and stand up for yourself. 

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