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Letters and Poems to and about other people

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I’m in love with this woman and I think she loves me too. We’re twin flames. Right now we’re going through a separation and can’t be together for reasons I don’t want to discuss. The reason why is irrelevant to this post. She writes a lot of poems and letters on Reddit. A psychic told me she writes about me frequently on there. She’s never been with a woman before. But this is what I’m upset about, when she writes she uses pronouns he and his all the time. I’m a woman. She doesn’t even use you or yours. I understand she has to be discrete but it makes me feel like she’s wanting to be with a man. She also writes letters to ex boyfriends and who knows who and writes about dreams about these people. Basically, everything she writes about is sad and heartbreaking. She also writes about a 31 year much younger male twin flame but I’m her twin flame. It makes me feel like that’s her fantasy. I feel like, if any of these letters and poems are about me, they’re not positive or hopeful about our future together. I’m really upset about it. It makes me feel rejected. It makes me feel like she fantasizes and wants to be with all these guys. It makes me feel completely unloved. And the thing is, we’re basically in no contact. This is the only written communication I see from her because of our separation. Are my feelings valid? How would you feel and what would you think in this situation?

I started writing 5 poems and they were all about her. I wasn’t thinking about anyone else and to me, when you’re in love with someone, that person is the focus of your writing. 

There’s another girl I was in love with before this woman. And she broke my heart. I wrote 5 letters to her and delivered them to her place of employment. And I know the woman I’m in love with now wouldn’t want me writing letters to this other girl and taking them to her or writing about her on Reddit. She gets pissed when I even ask my psychics about her. I know she wouldn’t even like me writing about her being my much younger twin flame because this girl is 20 years younger than me. 

I’m thinking of bailing on this connection with this woman because I don’t feel like she’s in love with me or as into me as I was led to believe. She knows how I feel and she keeps writing about guys. To me, that shows me where her heart and desires really are. Do you agree? 

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Don't fall for everything a "psychic" tells you.  If you were twin flames I imagine she'd be with you.  Going by what you wrote, it doesn't sound like she's interested in you at all.  All her poetry could be about a particular guy and not you, (sorry). 

You say you're in no contact.  Keep it that way.  Move on.

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1 hour ago, dimndintheruff said:


I’m thinking of bailing on this connection with this woman because I don’t feel like she’s in love with me or as into me as I was led to believe. She knows how I feel and she keeps writing about guys. To me, that shows me where her heart and desires really are. Do you agree? 

I wholeheartedly agree. 

I would also stop using reddit and enlisting the help of a 'psychic'

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