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Masturbation Addiction?

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I dont think masturbation itself is bad ... But like almost everything, too much of masturbation can be bad esp. if it interferes with your life.

Also, masturbation and porn can sometimes be a deadly combination as we've seen quite often in this web site.

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I dont masturbate often because masturbation kills testostarone. I need the testostarone because I constantly lift and am gaining weight. I have never actually researched the topic, but I noticed I tend to recover from workouts faster and have more energy if I dont masturbate.

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I dont masturbate often because masturbation kills testostarone. I need the testostarone because I constantly lift and am gaining weight. I have never actually researched the topic, but I noticed I tend to recover from workouts faster and have more energy if I dont masturbate.

Awesome! If that were true, then were did all my big muscles come from because I lift weights and my winkie with no problem, lol!

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  • 2 years later...

masturbating can be addictive. But! [An addict] is like a tree that bends easily in the wind. On a windy and rainy day, the tree bends so deeply against the ground that the leaves become soiled with mud, like sin. If we focus only on cleaning the leaves, the weakness in the tree that allowed it to bend and soil its leaves may remain. Similarly, a person who is merely sorry to be soiled by sin will sin again in the next high wind. The susceptibility to repetition continues until the tree has been strengthened.



If you are addicted to masturbating, remember, keep in mind. You are NOT a pervert. There is nothing wrong with it, pure sex or stroking the sexual genitals. Its been around since the beginning of time. Its not a sin, and just remember, masturbating is NORMAL.

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  • 2 months later...

Good day, for all of you who ever wondered does over masturbation have any negative side effects. Yes... Yes it does. I am living proof.

I have been masturbating between twice and 6 times a day from age 5 till now (26) and sometimes more! Once at age 15 even 16 times in one day!


Anyways now behing adult I am starting to feel the negative impact of the addictive activity. here are the problems I have experienced:


- Severe Anxiety

- Underweight

- Lowered immune response

- Psychological disorders (Such as using masturbation to make up for bad life occurrences)

- Along with strange other unexplainable ailments such as weakness, Getting tired quickly on effort and many more.

- My voice did not fully develop as a strong male voice either upon puberty.


So people dont tell Sky that not masturbating making u have more endurance and energy is nonsense because he is right! there are several medical jornal that will tell you so online.


It can affect the livers production of certain enzymes, and cause many other problems to essential brain chemical hindering neurotransmitters functions leading to Severe anxiety and other psychological disorders.

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I dont masturbate often because masturbation kills testostarone. I need the testostarone because I constantly lift and am gaining weight. I have never actually researched the topic, but I noticed I tend to recover from workouts faster and have more energy if I dont masturbate.


its true, no masturbation = better memory, more energy, smarter, stronger, faster, better looking I bet the ladies can smell it too.

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Well heres a tidbit of information I havent done the act for 2 days now. I was forced into walking 2.5 KM today 1.5 of which was in 3 feet of snow. Also carrying a computer keyboard and a 6 pound toolkit. I felt beat as I often do but not like ready to call the medics like what has happened b4 from even less physical exercise. So I think It does help a lot. Of course its not fun

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doode just stop wankin it so often. Your wangus is gonna fall off and your not gonna be able to get it up when women want it.. Your setting yourself up for a loooooong life of being alone (with your hand)


on the upside you never have to hear nagging, go shopping to pick out dresses, watch what you want to watch on tv, etc. lol

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