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IS wanting to have sexual relations with my teacher wrong...

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My teacher isn't 50 and is isn't MARRIED, he is very much single and berly over 30. He is a wounderful man, many of us fancy him(the females and the males) it sounds rather odd, but it's the truth. He's our teacher but manages to be more of a friend. We as a class spend a lot of time together, because of some projects we are commited to. He doesn't teach english or math, for personal reasons I wont mention what he teaches. His carrier is something I myself would like to take up when I'm older.

He's a good man, not a pervet or anything just a trust worthy friend that you can tell anything to. I once asked him what he would do if something happened between him and a student and he might get in trouble with his current job."he replyed that he plans to leave in a while so it wouldn't matter". I'm pretty sure he knows that I fancy him, people have told him, I've joked around about it but it was never something to worry about. In the near future I a sure you that we will some how be romanticaly connected. I don't see anything wrong with it because his job is to "teach" doesn't make him untoucable, realistically enough "teachers" have feelings too. I think too many people make it some thing as terrible to "fall for a student". LOve has no age,color,or gender. As long as they are both happy it souldn't matter who dates who, or who you fall in love with. But then again you can call me a crazyed maniac because i'm VERY MUCH OBSESSED WITH HIM........................and anyone who gets near him, and anyone he finds interest in will suffer great emotional and physical damages...................it's not a threat it's in fact a PROMISE!

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Well first off, it is something that the community sees as something terrible. If he doesn't care about his reputation (or your reputation for that matter) or his career, then there isn't a problem. But it's something that you might regret later. I would really think about all the consequences before you act on anything. And you might need to get some help with the whole "promise" thing. That's a little scary if you are capable of hurting other people emotionally and physically for someone that you aren't even sure likes you like that. But I really don't know what else to tell you because it doesn't seem like you are going to listen to anything anyone tells you anyway. But I hope you realize that you shouldn't do anything with your teacher. ~You never hear anything good come out of a romantic situation between a teacher and their student. Just think more thoroughly on this whole situation, please.

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It is not wrong in fact when i was 16 i was madly in love with my teacher he was 35. We decided to do something but to keep it very dicreet and well no one found out. Not to mention he was an incredible lover personally i don't think age matters as long as long as ur both happy. and no one gets hurt. So feel free to love and keep on fighting forr your man.



u may want to drop the threats.

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In Mystikue's defense....it really didn't sound like you were just joking around...it seemed like you were completely serious....but if you weren't serious then that's a great relief...but next time you post...you might want to mention that you were only joking around...

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I'm not trying to be mean...I'm just trying to help....things are not going to be easy to have a relationship with a teacher. There are so many consequences to think about. This could ruin his and her life. They both think it's okay, but society doesn't. Maybe after she graduates things can happen....but if she can't wait until then, let her go at it. But if someone finds out...that's the end of it and she is just going to have her heart broken. It's a serious offense (in the eyes of the law) that will be handled in a very serious manner. I just want her to realize all the consequences...and the comments she made toward the end of her post did not seem that funny to me. But if it was a joke then great. Just know that I am not trying to be mean....I'm just trying to tell her what could happen if she were caught.

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LOL i cant raelly help you bcuz all my guy teachers are like 50 so its gross too me lol but once one of those drug teachers was pretty hot..... but i still think its smart to oviod those kind of relationships...... i agree with whoever said he just wants a piece of ass lol...... but then again maybe it is you that wants his.... lol i mean does he flirt with you? or is it a oneway street?

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Sweetness your frecking me out!!!!

sorry honey....No accually this story does sound like some kind of sick perversion about a student and a teacher. But the truth is simple is not the type of man to "want a piece of ass". He's a very good friend, it's society with the dirty minds thinking the absoulte worst!!! NO it is not just a one way kinda of thing, he flirts too, but i mean it's not like where going to bone on his desk. it's an innocent intrest, i'm just very fond of that man he's very tempting and ADDICTIVE....

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CrazyinTemptation~ just please think about all the consequences before you do something. It's not going to be the easiest relationship to be in. I feel like this is only going to hurt you in the end. Just be careful. I don't want to hear that you ended up in a horrible nightmare that you can't get out of!! Good luck though!

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leave the damn girl alone!!!!!!! is she wants the man, let her have him. what's wrong with getting what you want. If you're in love, it won't matter what age, color, JOB, or anything he has. I once fell in love with my college professor, who was only 37, and i was 19. We fell in love right off the bat and i knew at that moment we were meant to be together. I could have never been happier!! We spent every moment together that we could, and no matter what other people said, we were in love, and no one could take that away. In case you're wondering what happened, he died in a car accident by a drunk driver. You only live once, and why shouldn't you get what you want. I say go for it!!!! Even though we spent a few months together, it was enough bliss to last a lifetime. Don't drink and drive!!!!

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