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asking her out tomorrow

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so.. last day at school tomorrow. I'm gonna ask a girl out, I have a plan of what I'm gonna say, only problem is the big bunch of friends she'll most likely hang with. Guess I just have to ask if I can have a word with her in private, hope that doesn't sound too cheesy - that's the only way I can think of getting her alone.


I'm not afraid of rejection, I'm 60% certain that she'll give me her # anyways, but.. I'm just afraid I don't have the balls to walk up to that big group of people and ask her for a word in private. I don't get what's up with that, somehow it might just happen and next I'd be posting to suicide forum.. not because of the girl, but the fact that I still didn't have the balls to do anything.


If someone has read my other posts, I'll inform that I'm not such wussie and stupid as I used to be. I have advanced a lot etc. but still.. Tomorrow might be hard.


Hope it goes well, I'm just gonna tell her that I'd like to keep in touch during summer 'cause I didn't get to talk to her as much I would have liked to and then ask her to hang out and for her #.


Sounds like a good plan? I know her email (due school project, everyone shared their emails with everyone haha), so as a last resort I can email her over summer. I never had to email her with the school project, and I really don't want to email her to ask her out. Besides, as a first email to her ever, asking out.. hmm..


Good luck me


I'll be checking this message next morning before school so if you've got tips or encouragment, I'd appreciate!

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If you feel 'weird' about asking her 'speak to you in private,' then you can just be casual-cool about it... Go up to the group, participate in whatever convo they got going, and then politely ask her if you can talk to her...


"Can I talk to you for a sec? I wanna ask you something..."


You'll be fine, no matter which route you take! Don't worry about not having the ... guts ... to do it... Just go for it!

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YOU CAN DO IT, plus its only a girl. Check this out.. right before you go up to her think about this. She is EXACTLY the same as you. She has the same feelings and the same emotions. She is not better then you at all, she is just a person just like you and think and feel the same way, its just that this girl has a nice outside to her, but in the inside she is no better than anyone else.


Think about it in a way where you understand that its only her outside that is affecting you, on the inside she thinks the same thing as you. That help me in situations.. Good luck!

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Sorry misery it took me awhile to apply:


See I don't do this to just one girl, I try to do this to every girl. All girls are the same but with different qualities. They all have the same thing you have, just their outsides might be different. Yesterday, for instance, I went to the bar and for a college town there is tons of women. It's easy to get caught up thinking how gorgeous a girl is etc... but why think about it that way when they are the same as you. Don't even act like her looks have anything to do with her, because its really not even that important. Her looks doesnt make her the person, the personlaity on the inside makes the person. So to answer your question I hit on girls all the time and go and have conversations outside of class or anywhere.


And think about it this way, if they were SOOO good looking then they should already have a boyfriend right? WRONG, see looks cant get you everything. She is single just like you, no better then you.


In your situation if you really like this chick it will IMPRESS her if you have the courage to just walk up to a group full of people, without even knowing them, and asking her to the side to talk. It shows you have COURAGE, and your different from most people because she wouldn't expect that.


My whole point is WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO FEEL INTIMIDATED OVER OTHERS JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE GOOD LOOKING? They shouldn't be, and when you change the way you THINK only then you will realize it's not that hard. You can do it! I know you can!

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Yeah, I've had several good conversations. It was some time ago though, she then started just looking down when talking to me and talking quickly etc.. and that's absolutely exclusive behaviour of her, she usually has no problem at all at talking to anyone but me. So that's a crush, I have figured. She looks at me from distance, not when close.


I'm not very good friends with the people in her group, I've talked to most of them one on one once or twice and they're then all nice.. but as a group that's.. quite horrifying



Something that really boosted my confidence was to read: "Remember, you're the picker, she's the pickee. Just do it." I certainly can do it..


Thanks everyone for support! Gotta leave soon..

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do I need to say more? The worst thing happened - I didn't ask.



Suggestions? Should I e-mail her, or would it be too cheesy? What should I say there? I don't care a sh*t if she rejects, I just want to make the email good as possible - poor e-mail is a huge turn off and ruins everything.

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Wow you sound like me 4 months ago when I was about to ask a girl to the prom, but then I chickened out on the day before our one week break from school. I was pissed because I didn't ask her and I needed an answer before we got back to school because they were selling tickets only the day that we got back. To make a long story short, I too had her e-mail, but instead of e-mailing her and asking her, I asked a friend of mine who had her phone # to give it to me, and I called her up. If you exchanged e-mails with everyone else in your group, maybe you could e-mail some people and ask if they have her #.


Or, if you'd rather just do an e-mail, say something like "Hey, (her name) I'd like to see you again sometime now that schools out and we don't get a chance to hang out anymore, maybe we could get together on (place to meet and time)" Or you could ask her for the place and time, anyway, this way is good because when you meet her, then you can tell her in person that you wan't to date her so that she knows your intentions for sure. This is important, don't assume if she agrees to meet you that it's a date, maybe she'll just thing it's a friendly get together. So make sure to formally ask her out when you meet up.


Good Luck! I hope yours will go better than mine did.

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You rock! Great advice. I remind myself of just this thing all the time - he's just a guy, he's just a person, everyone has doubts and insecurities and weaknesses and imperfections and deep thoughts and silly quirks and annoying habits.


I think when people have crushes, they tend to put their object of affection on a pedastal and worship them from afar, and when reality inevitably sets in, that's where their feelings get "crushed". Don't idolize your crush, they are just a person too!

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If you do hafta email her.. DONT ASK HER OUT through the email, get her number. Or email her asking for her aim screen name. Or email her asking for her number.. but dont say ' Would you like to go out with me sum time?' thats a lil weird if u ask me




~tryin to help



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