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Update on the roommate situation...

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I have been wanting my roommate/tenant out of here for a while now.  I let her get away with a lot more than I should have because I am really close to her son.  I found out last week that my mortgage is going up again. 

Her two unfixed cats keep banging and having kittens.  She makes no effort to find homes for the kittens.  All three litters have been my responsibility.  (All those kittens would still be here if it was up to her.)  She also hasn't bothered to flea treat any of her cats.  I have bought flea drops and treated all of them just because I refuse to let my house get infested.  About a week ago I asked her if she would at least pay for half of a pack of flea treatments for the kittens before I give them away and she refused. 

One of her cats puked in the atrium and I asked her to clean it up, and she flat out refused, also. 

I went through my bank statements since June of 2020 and figured out the amount of rent she has paid since then.  (I went from that date because she moved out for a few months and lived with a boyfriend.  That was when she moved back in.  I did this because last time I tried talking to her about not paying rent she threw a fit and tried to say she does pay rent and I'm lying.  Well, I wanted to be prepared this time.  Bank statements don't lie. 

She didn't go to work all last week.  I'm not sure why.  But I typed out a message to her on Friday and waited until today to send it. I waited because my nephew was here over the weekend and my SO was also here this past weekend and I didn't want her throwing a fit while they were here.  

So today I sent her the message.  It basically said, "I haven't gotten any rent for almost 3 months.  My mortgage is going up almost $100 a month.  You are going to need to either start paying rent or find another place to live.  You make more money that I do and I just can't afford to keep supporting you." 

She sent back a snarky message about how there's nothing more she wants than to get out of this house and find somewhere better to live before she moved to England. And I said, "Good luck finding somewhere that will basically let you live there for free with 3 cats."  Yea I was snarky back, I'll admit it.  But then she sent back a bunch of laughing emojis.  She has absolutely no shame.  This just kicked up the level of what a disgusting person she is.  Now I'm really done being nice.  I'm going to go ahead with the formal eviction process.  I am also working on getting cameras for the common areas of the house so I will know in case she tries anything stupid. 

This thread is an update.  I am not asking for advice.  I also won't be justifying why I've put up with this for as long as I have, as I cannot go back and change it.  There was a time when she paid rent and took care of her pets.  Over time she has just gotten lazy and rent payments got further and further apart.  And I don't like confrontation.  And she is the kind of person who completely flips crap over the slightest criticism.  She was spoiled rotten by her parents and can't handle being told no and not getting her way.  She has burned a lot of bridges.  Her own family doesn't even speak to her anymore.  She just burned another one. 


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4 minutes ago, Coily said:

Yikes! That's a heck of a lot of bad juju from this pest in your house. Along with Cameras, also consider putting some locks on doors if she's that... "special."

Best of luck fumigating your home and life.

I love this analogy.  That's exactly what she is, a pest, and my house needs fumigated. 

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