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So, guys..i have yet another question... sorry if i am asking a lot, but i figured you guys are a lot much older than me so you guys might know a lot of these things...


Recently..i told this girl... "I love her"... i meant it really....but she said... Things were going too fast and she's not ready yet..after that..she never called nor texted and i havent seen her again..


is this bad? my friend i need ur help...



Does this mean "No" i dont wanna be with you? or i would jsut have to give her time..coz i mean..she never called nor txtd ever...


What do you people suggest i do...


ia relying on you friends,,knowing you guys know a lot in this aspect



oh yea..forgot to mention..that we liked each other a lot...a whole lot.. i mean..we were practically together..but not technically..She liked me more than a friend...i mean..we were like boyfriend and girlfriend...kssing and all...


Weve known each other for 2 weeks...AHAHAHA


Do you think i could compensate for that?

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how long have you guys known each other?? if you guys have known each other not too long, and then you said "i love you", she might be scared off -


really, a person who says "i love you" really quickly in the relationship is just really saying "PLEASE LOVE ME" - just my opinion. it just seems to needy and clingy if someone says it too early in the relationship.


So yeah, to be honest, i think she is turned off by you saying it, that's for sure. why: because of the reason above, or because she is scared to open up to you and return the same feeling because she's scared you'll get hurt. But i think its the former.


plus, how old are you? if your

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I would not try to fix it right now, she is creating space from you right now because you came on too strong, approaching her and trying "to fix it" are just going to reinforce the idea to her that you want more from her than she is willing to give, leave her alone, that is all you can do, let her be the one to approach you (and she may never come back) that way when she does it is because she feels ok with it.

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If it's only been two weeks.. she's probably a whole lot of freaked out. That's really really soon into any relationship for the I love you's to be coming out.. You should probably give her some space, and if she works out whatever she needs to work she will, and she'll get in touch with you.

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