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Will this work for getting my ex girlfriend back together after breaking up 3 days ago?

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I absolutely love my girlfriend but she broke up with me Saturday night. The reason we broke up is because she is a medicine student and feels so overwhelmed with college and not giving me the attention she shays I deserved. We also broke up 2 weeks ago due to the same reason but I managed to get her back one day later by convincing her of trying to focus on medicine without the pressure of giving me attention. The last week together we had a couple of small discussions regarding attention and me overthinking she was going to replace me with a classmate of her. I think this was the turning point as she noticed that she just didn't had the time of being in a relationship and all of the natural discussions that happen. I know I did wrong by overwhelming her with somewhat unnecessary discussions and also of pressuring her to hang out while knowing she has the anatomy examen next Saturday. I know these things can be fixed by me in order to get the relationship working. I already contacted her and we have had a few long calls with me trying to get her back promising her I will give my best. The first week we got back together I did an awesome job by not pressuring here but the next week (also the final one) I just putted lots of pressure into her that eventually lead to our breakup.

 She told me till the end that I was her best relation and that I treated her so good like no one before. When we were together the love was pure and real. This distance and school thing is just killing us. She also said that it's normal for me to want to hang out with her and that I wasn't doing anything outside a healthy and normal relationship. I know that by the end of this semester she will have a lot of more time since this is the hardest and most demanding semester of his career (anatomy class). If we can hold on this semester things will get better. Right now this is somewhat a long-distance relationship since her school is about an hour from home and she's currently living on apartments next to the university. Back then we lived just 10 minutes within each other. I know she loves me but she's under lots of pressure due to school that se just can't think right. 

I want to know if surprising her with a visit to her house asking her to please come back with me and talking to her that I'm fully compromised with the relation will make her get back to me , I love her. I still think she still loves me and that's why I think I can still save us. We have been together for 2 months, the first month was in the summer so we had magical love moments every day, we were together almost all day and the chemistry was just perfect. She presented me with all of her friends and family. I believe all of her family approved me and liked me. We never had a real fight since our communication was very good, we just obviously had small discussions every once in a while but nothing serious. Sex started a bit slow but continued to get better each time. She never had problems posting me in social media and when we were together she constantly demonstrated love and affection. For concluding, do you guys think not contacting her until I randomly visit her will make her come back to me? I know her schedule so I know when she might be at home. I'm planning on doing this tomorrow or Thursday since I really miss her and I think this is the right time to get her back before losing her forever. Please give me your honest advices. I feel like this is my last shot since I have nothing to lose.


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5 minutes ago, jorgevf said:

I want to know if surprising her with a visit to her house asking her to please come back with me . We have been together for 2 months

Sorry this happened. Please don't do this as it is considered stalking and harassment. She can get a restraining order against you and that goes on your record as well as a complaint of stalking and harassment, so you have A Lot to lose by being obsessive and pushy. It's over, respect her.

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8 minutes ago, jorgevf said:

We have been together for 2 months,

This is a very short and new relationship, and in that short amount of time you've broken up twice.  This indicates incompatibility.

9 minutes ago, jorgevf said:

The first week we got back together I did an awesome job by not pressuring here but the next week (also the final one) I just putted lots of pressure into her that eventually lead to our breakup.

This proves to her that you don't really mean what you say.  You're just telling her what she wants to hear to convince her to get back together, then you go right back to doing the things you promised you wouldn't do.

9 minutes ago, jorgevf said:

I want to know if surprising her with a visit to her house asking her to please come back with me and talking to her

Please do not do this.  

You aren't hearing her.  She's told you more than once what the issue is and that she doesn't want to continue the relationship, but you continue to show her disrespect by stomping all over her words and wishes.  

Relationships require two people who both want the relationship, not just one trying to coerce the other.  Do you even care about what she wants?

Please leave her alone before she's required to get campus security involved.  If she wants to see you she'll let you know.

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18 minutes ago, jorgevf said:

The reason we broke up is because she is a medicine student and feels so overwhelmed with college and not giving me the attention she shays I deserved.

I can assure you that nobody in the history of break ups has break up things because other person deserves better. That is just an excuse AKA "its not you its me" level of break up talk. Its always either them wanting something(or somebody) else, or you. 

I am sorry but no. No ammount of you begging(terrible way of getting somebody together btw, as you can see from the first time even if it works, she just respected you less and dumped you on the next opportunity) wont get your relationship in the good state. She got on college, maybe overwhelmed with classes, maybe with college life etc. She just doesnt see you as an option for her anymore. And you need to accept that. Because trying or even succeeding to get her back, is a really bad idea. You probably wont see that now, but in time, maybe. But yes, you would be just fine without her there. Even find somebody better in time. Its just the way of life.

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1 hour ago, jorgevf said:

 me overthinking she was going to replace me with a classmate of her. 

This distance and school thing is just killing us.


Nah, the distance and school thing had nothing to do with it.

Your insecurity, jealousy, and cringeworthy clinginess sealed your fate.


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