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Ended up sleeping with best friend (mistake?) hope not!!!

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The 2 of us have known each other for 8 months. She was in a relationship at the time , and I had been single for a VERY long time! I had an instent crush on her but of course respected her unavailable status! The first 2 months were spent getting to know one another as my attraction towards her grew! Everything changed 1 night that she came into where I worked. She mentioned the unhappy nature of her relationship as well as how pleased she was that we were developing 1! The next two months (now out of her relationship) were spent going out as often as our schedules would allow. Still only friends at this point I was constantly becoming more and more interested in our relationship evolving! She was dating other people , I was not! I one night hinted to the fact that I was far better of a catch than any of the guys she had been seeing! I don't exactly recall how I said that? But she took it as stop wasting your time and comit to me. Which is exactly how I meant it! It was not received well! There was an uncomfortable period of a week when she expressed to me that she would only hurt me and can't comit to anyone! Afraid of having her out of my life I tried to understand. We became closer than ever after that! Becoming emotionally attached friends! I still in the back of my mind had a heavy curiosity of our future but was pleased that things were as great as they were! We were out one night as usual (she was in an odd mood) I asked what was bothering her and she began to cry! Telling me that she felt much stronger to me now and felt terrible that she had pushed me away when now she wanted to pull me closer! She said I love you , I said it back and we had our first real kiss! The next 2 days were spent showing mutual signs of affection , we went out on our first real date, and then!!! Our botteled emotions came out and we ended up in bed! All seemed O.K. (great in fact) afterwards , but the last 5 days have been filled with this strange desire to want to be with her every moment ( I've seen her once since) I've developed this odd feeling of codependency and I've sensed her distancing herself (not entirely , but more than usual) from me? Is this a normal reaction to what happened? Should I pursue her more aggressively? Should I ask about our status and our future? Should I try my best to put our friendship first and return it to where it was 2 weeks ago? I do love this girl and want to do everything I can to keep her in my life on any level! Preferably a intament one! Confused???

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I got a piece of advice from a buddy of mine who actually followed it himself and here's what he said.


"When you find that your best friend is a girl, you marry her".


I believed him then and I still do. he followed his own advice and has been happily married for over 5 years.


Follow your heart, but dont be lead around by it.

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Well if she is the no commitment kinda girl then i understand why is she trying to distance from u. i think she is still trying to digest what have just happen for the past few days and i have to say that is a lot for a week. The best thing u could do now is do not pressure her and give her sometime to think. I know this is hard and ur passion and confusion is killing u as u want to understand wat is goiing on but give her space. Then only u ask her nicely want do she want.

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Appreciate the comments from both of you! Radix , the line about marriage and friendship very true and I agree!!! One thing at a time! Things are a lot more comfortable now. We spoke for quite some time the past 2 days. Our immediate future looks much brighter! Thanx and I'll keep you posted! Ask me anything anytime!

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