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Well, now at this point my life is pretty black. My girlfriend dumped me, i am neclegting my friends and i am just pretty depressed. I am thinking about killing myself but then i think of my parents and i know that they could never handle it. If it wasnt for them i would probaly not be writing this. I have started drinking and even now i have a beer beside me while i read this and i fear that one day i will go to far... Maybe this ends tomorrow, maybe in a month or perhaps i will get over this all and rise triumply. Just wanted to spill my heart. Live long.

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I know how you feel. I'm there right now. I've started to not wnat to talk to my friends, I can't get any guy to ever be interested in me especially not the one I want, I've started to drink more than I should and I've also smoked happy-grass. I know that I'm falling, but it's hard to get up. Just hang on, and always remember the things that matter. Remember your parents and how you don't want them to hurt like that, always have hope that it will get better. That's key. I'd be dead already if I'd given up hope that it won't get better. Also, if you have siblings, especially younger ones, think how it will affect them. You'll see that it's not worth it. Also, know that killing yourself will only solve your physical problems, your earthly ones. Your spiritual ones will not be solved. Above all, hold on to hope. It's kept me alive, and I think it'll help you too. I wish you all the best.

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON'T KILL YOURSELF!!!!! Your life may be bad now...but IT WILL GET BETTER! Please don't drink your problems away it is not the way to go. I am glad you are choosing to live for your parents...but hey there are people who can help you out in your time of trouble...they have been countless people in your situation (me being one of them) so if you want to talk or just vent or have someone to listen to you...you can add me to any of the lists you happen to use. Please be careful and take care of you! It will get better! I will pray for you!


Take care of you and be careful!

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Been there before. Back when I was in hight school I started dating this girl. We where together for five years. When she dumped me it was the end of my world at that point. I drank like a fish. One night I was so depressed and angry I trashed my whole room. Destroyed pretty much everything I owned at the time. I just wanted to Die. I sat on my bed holding a piece of glass from a broken beer bottle. I sat there just wanting to slit my wrists. I couldn't do it though. I was thinking about everyone in my family all my friends. What I'd miss out on in life. So instead of slashing my wrists I just slashed my arms numerous times. I didn't want to really die but I had to do something.


I look back today and think how friggin stupid I was. Kill myself? What the hell was I thinking? I still have the piece of glass and the scars on my arms to remind me of my idiocy.


I'm still alive and kicking and going through more BS cause of a girl. I've changed somewhat when it comes to wanting to hurt myself. Instead now I'll get a tattoo. It hurts and it bleeds but at least it leaves a beautiful scar.

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Dont be so low man cheer up. Puff Daddy wanted to kill himself at one point in his life, so did Ozzy Ozbourne, and same with my dad... If my dad killed himself i wouldnt exist right now. Believe me you have a reason to live. Even im thinking of low thoughts right now. U gotta keep ur head up and stay strong dude. Be strong no matter how the pain is.

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