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What should I do?

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There is a big chance my friend might be getting sent to Africa over the summer. I have no one to really go to and I already know this summer is going to be a train wreck due to what is happening at home. I'm hoping I get my license in June so I have a good percentage of freedom. I already planned that I'm gonna work for the rest of the summer until they're back from Africa. We are both working on getting them a phone because their parents have taken theirs but it isn't looking so well. I already plan on taking night shifts just so the two of us can communicate. I don't really know what I should do, do you have any advice?

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Sorry, I'm confused.. what is it you're looking for advice on?

Sounds like you are already looking ahead on 'how to' deal with the situation when your friend travels.

As for YOU taking on night shift so you can communicate, do try not to lose yourself too much here.. What about when they return ( as they'll only be gone a cpl months, right), and are you able to get back off night shift then?

You do your best to get through your summer.. as you said, you're getting your license.. good! But, also try to remain as sane as possible 😉 . Is not forever, you do have friends, hobbies etc?



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Ohh, my bad I worded everything wrong. I was wondering what I should do since they'd be gone and I'd have nothing much to do. I was planning on working only in the summer and quitting a few days before school starts. I do have only a few friends I'd be able to hang out with but they're also busy due to family. They would be gone for about 3-4 months (if they leave in May)

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Ahh, leaving in May.. Okay.

Okay, so you'll only be working for the summer.. How do you mean what should you do?

You have friends to hang with.. you will be working.  You go one day at a time.. Yeah, it'll be a little difficult for a little bit, maybe first week or two, until you can start adjusting to them being away.. But, you just keep in mind that they'll be back in a bit.

So, keep busy with a hobby.. find things to do.. crafts, go for walks, etc.  Before you know it, the time will have passed.

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You're learning the down side of making one other person your whole world.

Consider a goal of exploring new interests and making some new friends.

It's true that most people won't offer the same chemistry as a best friend, but that's natural. Part of maturity is forming different kinds and degrees of friendships to meet different needs.

Surprise yourself Take pride in your resilience and make yourself proud. 

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