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I need advice

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Ok I need help please me and my girlfriend have been going out for 2 almost 3 months and we are long distance we live in different states. But we ft every day and text alot. Bit the past 3 days she has been distant which I noticed so I told her I would give her some space and I did she texted me that night and that's how I was doing and then called me and told me that she was going out with a friend to the movies next week and the she said he implying it's a guy friend but there going alone to see the new Halloween movie. And I'm a bit suspicious because it a guy from her work and she just started this job a week ago but she has insured me that if she ever thinks of cheating on me she will break up with me but I have this gut feeling that there's something more but she has Alot of guy friends because she doesn't get along with girls but most of her guy friends are her ex's or guys she has "talked to " but she only been with 2 guys sexually and there not her friends. But idk if she's testing me or playing mind game or what but she seemed fine when she fell asleep on ft tonight but. I have told her I trust he 100% that I don't trust guys because I know how they think and they are very manipulative. But she doesn't believe me but we are in that 3 month like end of honey moon faze so I don't want to over step until she's comfortable because she's distinct so I don't want to tell her that I'm not comfortable with it. But I just need help I have pretty bad anxiety so I over think Alot I just need to ease my mind it 4 am plzzzz help

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Long distance doesn't work. Girls need attention and if there's a guy they can physically touch, they are going to go for it eventually. Your options are very slim here. You are best to invest in a local girl. Having someone by your side is way more satisfying than fretting over what your girl is doing with new guy.

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3 hours ago, smackie9 said:

Long distance doesn't work. Girls need attention and if there's a guy they can physically touch, they are going to go for it eventually. Your options are very slim here. You are best to invest in a local girl. Having someone by your side is way more satisfying than fretting over what your girl is doing with new guy.

I see what your saying but I'm moving to her state so that's why I was invested


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1 minute ago, Anxiousone said:

None but we have planned to meet in person soon and I'm moving there 


You just have to trust her then . You seem so confident in her already. If you can’t do long distance then you need to break it off until you can move there. Long distance comes with trust 

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11 hours ago, Anxiousone said:

None but we have planned to meet in person soon and I'm moving there 

If you have not met, please do not emotionally invest. 

It's just never a good idea, because you have no clue how well (or even if) you would get along in person. Don't put the cart before the horse and commit when you have never so much as been on a date together. 

And it sounds like she doesn't take this as seriously as you do anyway. For her, you're a guy on a screen. Maybe not a serious prospect for something long-term. It appears she is exploring local options. 

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