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What exactly is a 'crush'?

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What exactly is the difference between thinking someone is cute, and having an actual crush?


I've usualy defined 'having a crush' when if that person you would asked you out, then you'd accept. Thinking someone is 'cute' is when you think they are nice looking or attractive, but you wouldn't want to date them?


I've defined it that way, but I've realized that if thats how I define crush and attraction, then that means every guy I think is attractive I actualy have a crush on! Cause to be honest, I'd probably go out with everyone of the 'attractive' guys if they asked me!


I think I'm confused, what exactly is the difference between a crush and attraction?

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I think a crush is more about like thinking the person is cute, plus hoping this person feels the same about you, whereas thinking someone is cute might just be that... You think she's cute, but it might only be cause you're contemplating her appearance, not cause you wish she'd think you're cute too, etc. I dunno, that's just what I think... I dunno much about anything here. Peace.

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I think of 'crush' as a term for unrequited 'love'. You're not really 'in love' but for some young or naive people they're under the illusion of being in love. When they realize they can have that person, the person is a bf/gf, no longer a crush. But if it never becomes anything more, due to rejection or never making a move, the person feels 'crushed' which is where the term comes from.

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I think a crush is liking the person physically, wanting to be around them and just feeling good spending time with them. At the same time you hope for at least some level of attraction. It might go somewhere, it might not, but overall there is a feeling of attraction and a "feel good" kind of feeling.

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I think a crush means that you are very interested in that person and want to know more bout them, from his / hers likes and dislikes and you feel very connected by them by the way they look , talk, the sound of their voice so on..... before you ask them out.


On the other hand an attraction is when u think that person is good looking even if you do or you dont want to take a risk.

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Crush means you find the person appealing and want to get to know them better. It could mean you like there looks, there personality, anything that draws you to the person. From it you start to think about the person a lot and wish you could be around him or her more.


That's different then just friendship in which there are no feelings of attraction or thinking in a romantic way.


When you actually go out with the person is more like dating, casual at first, them maybe exclusive.

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