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does she like me?

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ok so i'm in school and theres this girl that i like i been great friends with her since like ever and i talk to her bout like everything well anywho i really want to ask her out but i haven't been able to cause of things that happen like this guy who trys to really piss me off came up to me in class and was like shes working nd i was like who and hes like talking bout the girl i like so i'm like so and hes like well i asked her out for u which i didn't tell him to do and i was like wtf anyways she always is around to help me and stuff and sometimes she'll be with my friends and i'll be with the guys and she comes over and start talking to me and she smiles alot when were talking or something and we always can tell each other stuff so what do u think 1 do u think she may like me more than a friend and 2 should i ask her out


thanks in advance

jecht 8)

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I'm just a bit shy, and when I'm talking to some girl I like, I usually have this big *** smile on that doesn't wear off lol. It can be the same for girls too. Watch if she fidgets or is nervous when around you, that's a easy giveaway. I'd say ask her out though. And that loser that is a jerk to you and stuff, he's just jealous because he probably likes her too and has no balls to ask her out.

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bout that guy yah hes sort my friend who likes to tick me off so he can end up having me him and everyone else in to big fights also this guy can get a girl in seconds and he does this cause he knows i like her and in his own crazy messed up way hes not helping

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You never know until you ask, if you don't you may regret it. Just be sure and tell her that you DO cherish your friendship should she not feel ready for a "Relationship". Good Luck!


always the may regret it i hate it when everyone says that


i reallly want to ask her but i don't have the confidince and one know how i can get some

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Oh god, how long have you been friends with her? Think of this, it's like a small step above asking her to hang out. It's not hard. Just remember to do it at the end of a conversation and give her your #. Expect a call when you get off school or the day or so after that.

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ask her out or give her your number if she dosen't already have it, if she dosent like you then im sure knowing most girls you dont have to worry about losing your friendship if she says no, so you have nothing to lose- i kinda can't help beyond that though because the last time i asked a girl out she thought i just wanted to be friends afterwards because i messed up on our date due to being scared to say otherwise wso ask her out no problem there, just be prepared on what to do if she says yes lol! good luck just go for it you cant lose anything but uncertainty!

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Well, I really couldn't grasp whether she likes you or not, because you used the word 'like' about 30 times and what you wrote was just one huge run-on sentence.


If you think she does like you, trust your instincts and go for it. But I think you should ask her out soon , because if you don't your friend or who ever he is might take your chance. And don't ask her, "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" That's moving a little too fast, try, "Do you want to go to ---- with me?" Try a place where you can go with just the two of you, she'll probably take the hint and realize that you like her more than in just a friendly way.

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