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Is this a good sign or was she just board?

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Last night I was talking to a girl online from my school and I have feelings for her. Well anywaise it was late maybe 10:30 or 11:00 and she started to ask me odd questions. Her first question was do you like kara (there was a rumor going around about me liking her about 3 months ago). I said no because i dont and she said alright. Then she asks me another odd question. She asked me so...hows your love life going? I said not so good and then i asked her how hers was. She said it sucks. So then i said why do you ask and she said she was just board. Was she really just board?

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I would think that the girl could be asking you those questions becuase she is interested to find out if your single.


She asked you about that girl, than about your love life.. both trying to find out and getting to talk about relationships. the girl is probably right when she said her love life sucks.. and that is why she is looking for someone and that is why this topic came up. Its bascially on her mind.


OF course she had to just say, "i'm just bored", she could not say to you, oh I asked those becuase I like you and wanted to know if your available.

What other kind of reason could she of said.

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