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sooo embarassed....

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Today has to be one of the worst days of my life. I'm in high school and I am in a gym class there. Today, my gym teachers brought in a some kind of Marine Drill Sargent or something and had us experience a taste of "boot camp". Well..I'm not the most athletic person in the world and I don't have a lot of talent in sports, but I will say I'm quite good when it comes to dancing. At first, I thought I could really get through it, but then I started to not be able to breathe and I was sweating like mad. I got yelled at twice. The first time it was just stupid..but the second time really upset me. I'm very sensitive and I just can't deal with being yelled at without getting very upset. The guy totally embarrassed me in front of my entire class..so I just stood up and walked to the side and sat down and began to cry . I was so humiliated. My gym teacher came over to me and told me to calm down, and I was trying to. I told him that I just wanted to be left alone. So while I was sitting there crying, I covered my face and I whispered a prayer to help me relax. Then my teacher had the drill sargent come over to me. Can you believe that? He asked me then in a "nice" voice if I was alright. I told him to leave me alone. That's all I wanted was to be left alone. I was sweaty, trembling, unable to breathe, and humiliated. My teacher got me to get up and came with me to get a drink of water. He then gave me some lame speech on how he isn't a bad guy (ha. right. this isn't the first time my teacher has embarrassed me.) and that all he wants out of me is to try. He basically told me a bunch of crap that I didn't need to hear. My only consolation was that I was left to sit in the locker room for the rest of the period. It took me a while to finally calm down and quit crying. My ego is terribly bruised now and I feel humiliated. There was a weird tension between me and a lot of the people after class that I usually talk to..as if they didn't know what to say to me or something. I don't know how to handle this. I need some advice on how to deal with this when I go back to school on monday. I can almost guarantee that someone will poke fun at me for it.

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Yeah, those drills can be hard on you. If he was running a full PT routine I wouldn't expect you to last the whole time, especially if you aren't athletic. I wonder what he was expecting of a group of high school kids. Anyways, you just got pushed too hard, and hopefully your friends recognized this. They probably didn't say anything because they didn't need to. You wanted to be left alone and they were leaving you alone. You might be reputed as little more emotional now, but that's not such a bad thing.

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The best I can tell you is to just ignore what the drill seargent says - I mean, yes listen to him but don't take it to your heart. From what you say you are very sensitive, but try not to take the whole yelling thing too seriously.


And yes your teacher is right; Drill seargent is not a bad guy - it's just pressuring soldiers(in military) so they get the drills they need in order to keep fit and healthy. It's tough work but its worth it in the end for the soldiers.

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I joined the British Army as a boy soldier at the age of 15 - the drill sergeants there were from the Brigade of Guards - you know the guys in the red tunics and bearskin hats that the tourists go to see. You soon learn not to take the stuff personally. And it wasn't meant personally with you.


I am not sure it was appropriate to bring a drill Sgt into high school but that's another issue.


when you go to school on Monday just act normal - if anybody says anything just say you had a bad day. Don't make a big deal of it - laugh it off and people will forget about it very soon.

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Yeah, good point DN. If you hang onto an issue and talk more about it and not shake it off, it's more likely to sit there and become a growing plague, and soon everyone will know about it . So it's good to be very minimum when talking about it to people, change the subject, etc.

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I cannot believe that no one else got yelled @. I am sensitive @ times, too, so when someone yells at me, I cry but only because 1- i cant think of a retort or 2- I am mad. The next day I pretend it didn't happen. I am only in 7 grade, but I know that no one will confront me the next day. I am so sorry that this Ba@t!$d was so rude to you.

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