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am i scared of a relationship?

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ok look this girl likes me n i like her too but fo some reason i dont wanna go out with her, well i do but its like im scared i never had a girlfriend b4, i feel like everythin would be different with a girl friend. some advice plz. and he friends keep telling me to talk to her

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try going out with her. because you are so timid about going out with her because you have no experience with other girlfriends...try to go on a slow, casual pace. start out as friends...take quick dates like a lunch date or going to the movies where there isnt much talking going on between you. try to be around her more and more to get more comfortable with her presense.


if after being around her more and more makes you uncomfortable...then you know you might not be ready yet to date. hopefully though, she will eventually be someone you end up relying on to have a good time with.

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thanx for the advice, helped alot. what about in school, do i hold her hand n walk together? should i kiss her when she leans over for one. I dont think I can kiss in public. my friends know me as a funny outgoing guy, many girls liked me but i havent wet wiith them cus i didint like them. if my friends see me kissing a girl i feel like they will make fun of me l0l.. sounds dumb i know.

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I really don't know. If you don't want to date her, then don't. I'm confused as to why you care what your friends think, but at the same time I'm not into PDA's either. Maybe you're not ready for a serious relationship, but go on a date maybe, just see what she's like. How old are you though? If you're in sixth grade or younger, this is a common reaction. But no matter what your age, don't let anyone pressure you into dating, I don't think you're scared, just not ready. Since you're still in school, don't worry about having a serious relationship.

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If you like her and she likes you, then go out with her. You can take it slow and start as friends. You don't even need to look at it as a date, just two friends hanging out.


It doesn't matter what your friends think. If she wants a kiss and you want to kiss her, then kiss. Who cares who sees? It isn't about others, its about the feeling between the two of you. But please, keep it clean. No one needs to see a long make out session where your ramming your tongues down each others throats.

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