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first of it seems like you're jumping the gun by saying automatically that he's not attracted to you because he said that he dosen't think there is any chemistry, if that is what he said. I would be really carefull about who you believe with heresay, just because I've had experiences in the past when people who are supposed to be my friends actually made stuff up because either they didn't want me with the guy, or they wanted to be with him. I would have a talk with him... if you really do like him, and say that first off you may have been a little too forward on Saturday and that it was the alcohol talking, lol, and that you would like to just hang out as friends sometime. I would start off as friends and hang out, and let him actually see if there is chemistry there. I wouldn't want to force anything right away and put pressure on a "work" relationship because it might be ackward if things don't work out. I hope I helped a bit! Good luck!

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So what if he's not attracted to you #1- I am sure other people are- if that's even the case, and #2 I believe what he's saying is true- you can tell from 4 times hanging out whether there is chemistry or not.. if there isn't then there isn't. You can't be mad at someone for not wanting to be with you...

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Chemistry is overrated. A lot of it's psychology and about inadvertently manipulating people who find you physically attractive (or sometimes emotionally) into an addiction to you that we call infatuation. Love comes later. Part of it is being the right person for their needs at that time.

If you want to have chemistry with most women have a fat wallet, confidence, patience, and pick up on what they are looking for.

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girl almost universially young women (and often men) are gonna be drawn to men who treat them poorly because of the challenge of trying to get them to love them more. Somebody who gives unconditional love to a girl with poor self esteem diminishes his value in their eyes. The only way to beat that is to know thyself and 'think'.

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