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  1. Thanks, that's what I was thinking. When he said he has done one on one stuff with other girls I kinda knew that he wasn't interested in me that way, or he would have asked. I last talked to him last Sunday & proudly haven't called, texted or even commented him. If he really is interested then he will pursue me. Thanks again everyone!
  2. idk...you know how you can sometimes tell. In some of the conversations he would say stuff like I'm so glad I found u on myspace, why did he never date in high school?, & other questions that got me thinking that way.
  3. Okay, I just recently joined myspace & this guy I went to high school with added me as a friend. Some of his friends are friends with my friends so we started talking threw myspace for a while (catching up). Well, I gave him my number, as he did his. As soon as he got my number he was calling about 3-4 times a week & we talked for a decent about of time on the phone. A few times he was out with some friends & we were gonna all meet up but something came up on both sides so we couldn't. Now, the thing is when we talked on the phone and stuff he seemed interested in "me" as in dating even though he never used that term, it was always "hang out" with are friends in a group setting. So, about a week in a half ago he invited me to go to a house party & bring some of my friends. I told him no I was busy, he already knew I'm not a big drinker. I was getting mixed signals from him so I asked him if he ever did stuff with his "girl" friends aside from drinking & partying & he told me yeah....such as movies, dinner, bowling, etc....so this kinda hurt my feelings since he always asks me to hang out when he's at the bars or partying. If he was interested in me he would ask me to do those things & even pick me up?? Right?? I mean he knows I'm not a big drinker. idk.
  4. Okay, so I am talking to this guy & he named his car smooth Johnny. My friend's think he is a player because of what he named his car??? Yes or u can't tell at all.
  5. Never mind. I was not going to act on this since he has a GIRLFRIEND! I've been cheated on before & wouldn't do that. I'm sure it will pass in time. I think maybe I was hoping they might break up one day. idk
  6. Sorry this is not the right post
  7. This is an olde post so I removed it
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