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Three looooong days and 3 rings on the 3rd day

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Well its been 3 days of NC and NO PRANK CALLS TO HIM!! I must say that i am very proud of myself. It just so happens that i know for a fact that he called me 3x this morning blocking his # so that private appears on the phone. He is the ONLY person who does the private call thing. He called at 8:15am, then at 8:45am then final call at 9:30am. Everytime i p/u the phone he just stood silent.. Honestly, knowing for a fact that was him i was relieved a bit from the NC. It wasa weird. Thereafter I didnt receive another call on the cell... Its hard but i just wanted to tell all that its a big deal to me to maintain myself and finally have some pride and respect for MYSELF! 3 DAYS maybe nothing to others but its sure a very big deal for me! Now i will maintain the "strength and serenity" to make the NC last.... I have to admit its been tempting but as you all say DONT DO IT!!!

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It was love at first sight for me!! I fell flat on my face in love. Believe it or not we experience so much together and he is only 21. I have been with him since he was 19 and then he was mature. He accepted my daughter and made me sooo happy!!! Just soooo sad!! Thanks for the encouragement!

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Kepp it going girl, I was the same, the more you dont contact, the faster you will heal. If he calls you again, dont answer and if you get tempted and do, be smart, dont give any sign of you wanting him, dont plead, dont beg, give him nada, you will fill a rush of energy afterwards I assure you...


I know its hard but act like a business man, make it short , dont give him any signs of you been emotional....dont let him hang up on you, cut the convo short even if you want to talk forever, instead you be the one who says I am busy got to go and if he asks why, say its none of your business....


Let him know you are in charge of yours now, let him see you confident and secure for a change....


try your best to stick to NC, its for healing and being strong for the future, and that if he calls and says anything hurtful you will be able to take it with a pinch of salt! G.Luck with the NC.

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Good for you!!! I'm glad that you're not repeating the vicious cycle. Yes, this man is soooo immature!!! Prank calls!?! He sounds like he's 14! Ug!


Anyways, keep up the good work. Trust me, you will feel soooo much better about yourself once you are over him and with someone who's at least mature enough not to prank call you. Good luck!!

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Good! Keep it up! See how much better this feels? It's like when you're trying to lose weight: Sneaking a cookie is good for a few minutes, but then you feel bad afterwards. The real satisfaction is when you've been good and can now fit into a smaller dress. Instant gratification isn't worth it - hold out for long-term results.

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