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**~~The things I've learned in life (summarized)~~**

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1. We are not here to impress others but to influence them thru God's love


2. Judge nobody nomatter who they are, what they've done, where they are going, and the reputation in which precedes them. Accept everybody unconditionally because it is through love that we bring people back to themselves, back to God.


3. As said by Maya Angelou, reaching for the stars is ambitious. But reaching for hearts is wise. So reach out, say hello to strangers, and let people, even people you dont know, know that they are loved. Be a light in the darkness


4. Some say that they sinned to survive. Some say that they sinned because it's too late to stop. But these sinners are wrong... there is always a way out. And if they were to turn around, they'd see a light... still shining on them ever so warmly


5. enjoy everything but need nothing. to love is to let go. to hold onto love is to try and make it your own, make it a lie.


6. people are mean because they are unhappy and really it has nothing to do with you at all. yelling in anger is more of a way of crying out in tears. And so they get louder and louder, a secret message to the world saying, "cant you hear me?"


7. The objective to every discussion should be to exchange feelings and beliefs... not to force feed it to someone. what's more important? friendship or pride? competition causes you stress but letting go the win to make another happy makes you fly instead


8. There is no such thing as right or wrong. There is only love or fear. For everything stems from thus.


9. altho they have done horrible things, they are just as human as you are... and the stronger the act, the stronger the cry of the heart becomes.


10. we are all one, made of the same spirit, the same light. all those around you are a part of you... and what you do to them, you do to yourself.


tell me what you think and if you agree

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i still can't believe your only 14 lol


very insightful for a fourteen year old but i don't agree on some pointz.. mainly becoz i'm not in any way religious lol




My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.

Albert Einstein


I conceive the essential task of religion to be "to develop the consciences, the ideals, and the aspirations of mankind".

Robert Millikan

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your an amazing person for figuring this out, while i agree with you and I would like to think that i know those things as well, I find that if i claimed that i'd be a hypocrite, i know whats right in my heart but i find it hard to put into practice. if you can truly live what you preach (and you sound like you can) then you are truly a special person

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow. Now THAT'S deep. lol


wanna know some more of mine?


1. it's ok to swim in a puddle. who cares what they think?

2. I AM batman

3. Santa Claus is a stalker

4. Do not pet the bald man. Nomatter how shiny his head may be

5. Only the trees understand me!

6. Stare at strangers. It's okay. It's only polite

7. Peter Pan isnt coming for you so stop waiting

8. Unless you're waiting for Michael Jackson than maybe

9. Trust nothing that moves

10. Watch out for mini drivers. They are only pretending to not be able to see you. They really do want to kill you

11. The only fascinating thing about Britney Spears is that her face looks different in every picture- seriously, what does she look like?

12. THEY must be destroyed. You know who I'm talking about

13. THEY


15. No, I dont really know either

16. Yes, I'm talking to you

17. I'm your conscience

18. You must obey my every order

19. Or else

20. You will die in seven days.


The end!

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Blue angel,


Here are some more of mine...actually these are serious ones.....


1. Always forget the past, and dream of the future. But live for today!!!!

2. Its better to forgive and forget.

3. Its better to have friends who are girls than friends who are guys (because girls make better listeners...and you can't go salsa dancing with other guys)

4. Be happy

5. Pray often

6. Be romantic

7. GET ENOUGH SLEEP...my dream is too have a blessed 9 hours of sleep every night!!! ahh......

8. Don't have sex until you are married.

9. Don't look at porn

10. Learn to dance!!!!!!

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Here is mine.



Watching porn is cool (esp when your single), watching it with a lover is cooler, making porn together is best.


. Have sex before marriage. Don't be a chump.


Don't forget the past, but learn from it, accept it, and keep going.


Learn to dance, do martial arts and compete in bloody competititons.


God has to exist. Nature couldn't have screwed things up this bad on its own.


If your life is really unhappy learn to laugh about it if you wanna live.


Hollywood will make a sequel to anything if the first one makes enough. (They originally wanted to do a titanic sequel, no i am not kidding)


Smoking everyday will eventually kill you. Mc Donalds three times a week will kill you faster.


Never trust a woman unless your poor. (and even then, don't trust her around a rich man)


God is a lot like Quentin Terratino. Look at society and it'll tell ya.


You only live once -- that's why I'm a fan of human cloning.


Never fall in love first.

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Well mine change from time to time.. depending on how i'm feeling.


okay well i guess right now it would be only one..


* Don't Smoke.


yup that's it just now lol






Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'

Erich Fromm

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