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Hey, I'm 16 5 foot 5 and bored with life. There isnt anything wrong with me. I'm normal, i have a girlfriend, make money, go to school. I'm lost. I am bored with life. No matter what i do i can't make sense of it. Everyone ends up trying to get an education after doing so get a career meet a lover and get as much money as they can rake in. There is no point to life. In fact before our modernazation all we did was what animals would do walk around get food and water, mate with others and thats it. I can't stand it anymore everyone else is fine with "life" they go through it looking through it as it's pulled over their eyes. There must be something deeper or better for us. Can someone please help me. I am so bored

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Easy to say as people...all we do is live to die...someday.


You just seem like you're in the 'finding yourself' stage that some people go thru....trying to find out why you're here and what you could do to better yourself b/c you're bored of what you have. Honestly...I don't know what's happened to you in your life or anything, but maybe something devastating would help you to realize what's important in your life and why you shouldn't take anything for granted...b/c once its gone, you'll realize its value and what you've lost.


I never really went thru anything like this...maybe I should tho...

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Yeah I feel the same way about life a lot of time. Only I deem it as in what is the point of it all? Basically life is just a dream. You know the song "Row row row your boat." That is about life on earth. The last line says "Life is but a dream."


So we are here in the holographic world really and it's up to us to create our lives. Our passions are our purpose, and whatever obstacles you encounter in that pursuit was designed to make you (your soul) grow. We are spiritual beings. We choose to come here at this time because of the growth we wanted to attain.


We often get so wrapped up in the material world that we forget why we are really here. We are here to grow spiritually. Now I know it's a lot to take in and I still struggle with this stuff even thought I grew up hearing it my whole life.


We all feel a bit empty inside because we've choosen to separate ourselves from the Godsource. Meditation is how you connect. Meditating is so uplifting it's truly a natural high.

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you know, I know exactly how you feel. But we can't let ourselves get worse and continue to feel like that you know? I mean yeah, You could keep thinking what's the point of everything, why bother doing anything cause it's for nothing. OR you could think hey you know if that's how I feel I should do something about it. Make your life have a point, have goals, go out with friends, Find hobbies. There is a point in life, it's just different for everyone, and everyone has to find it out for themselves.

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i used to feel like this, but i helped myself out with a paradox 8)


we are alive to die, yet we do not want to die we want to live, but to live we must die...once you udnerstand this you realize that your time on earth is precious, make the most of it man, if you want to try rock climbing or sky diving try it! take up a sport and enjoy your life...you have a girlfriend and a job, it sounds like your life is good so create your reality like jetta said.

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There's a God-shaped hole in us all. Without God, we are empty and life makes no sense. It is much easier to believe.


You are bored? Then give others happiness. Challenge yourself to fix relationships you are in and to reach hearts. There is so much you can do and so much you have to offer. Hold onto dearly the life around you.


"such is the strength of life that it takes life to love life"


I know how you feel. I went through a deep dark depression... but came out of... with a sudden awakening, a sudden rebirth.... I came out redeemed. My heart is filled with love and eagerness to reach others.


God is saying to you, "come through the hoop. it's up to you to come through"

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Hey man. I know how you feel. I used to feel the same way. As if everyone was desensitized to what life should really be about. But you don't have to feel as bored as you do now. As far as we know you only get to live life once so you really should make the absolute best of it. My advice to you is to find something that sparks your interest or that really challenges you, something that excites you! Travel somewhere that you have never been to. Do something that you have never done. Learn about different cultures and points of view. Learn about different religions. Speak to people you normally wouldn't. There's a whole world of posiblities out there. You can do anything, become anything! You just have to get up off your butt and make things happen for yourself!

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I think if you apply your self to something you'll be great, you have a higher purpose attitude. Turn that thinking energy into motivation for something you like doing, and going to college isn't a must. Don't follow the beatn' path and you'll find what your looking for.

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I feel exactly the same way. No one seems to get it.


Life is BORING. I'm an honours student....I don't want to go to university. It's so typical. It's so BORING. Basically we go to school for years and years, then go to another school for years, then go to work...Then die, maybe after retirement...It drives me crazy to think about it.

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Maybe you're just bored with all the expectations that everyone else has for you. Have you ever seriously invested time and energy in discovering what would make YOU happy? If you do, the next step will be to brave the waters of the "shoulds" that others will try to baptize you in and then make the choice that will at least start you on a path that might bring you happiness because YOU are the one who has to live your life. Ten years from now, other than your family (which is usually our biggest overcoming), you may not even have any of those people in your life who are there now. So be true to yourself. Prime the pump of creativity and investigate things that make you feel good when you think about being involved with them for a long time. Don't be afraid to go to people in those areas of work and ask them about it. Finally, don't worry about getting married and having children. When the time is right, it will happen, and the results will be much better if you are already content with the person you have become.

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life is what you make of it. and plus, you're so young still, that you really have no idea what life has in store for you. you may have kids, you may travel the world, you may invent something..who knows. its really up to you. don't allow yourself to become bored with life. so much wil change for you as you grow, i can promise you that. i consider this life to be temporal, and that there is in fact a Heaven. but that is just my religion.

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