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I am looking for good books

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Hi everyone.


Lately i have been reading quiet a lot of books about ordinary people with their problems. Problems with their family, their relationship with their partner, and with life bassically. One Example is High Fedelity and About a boy. By nick Horny.


If any one know other books that fit to the category above, pls reply. Thx you.

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This is sort of different as far as context, but I feel that the book "Letters to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke outlines a lot of great ways to look at things that might be a struggle in your life so that you can use them to your advantage. Also, if you want a great novel that's all about overcoming personal struggle, demons in your past, and even redemption (and if you REALLY like to read) "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo is awesome!

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I just read "A Child Called It". It's a really quick read, and it is absolutely fantastic. If you can actually get through it (I've had a couple of people explain that it was just too much for them to read it because of the things that this poor child had to go through), it's absolutely amazing and inspirational.

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I've been wanting to read this book called The Boy Named It, which is about a true story about a boy who grew up neglected by his own parents, never having human contact of any sort.


In sociological theory, this person would've been considered a non-functional human being because of the lack of human contact.


Anyhow, stories like his are inspiring. You can also check out books of Eastern philosophy. Although I was raised Catholic, I love reading books on Tibetan Buddhism. The philosphy is beautiful and people may think, "Oh Lord! It's just another cult!" Really, it's not. The religion in itself is a philosophy of life. It does not try to 'convert' people. The teachings are meant to enlighten people in a rational manner, to live life construtively/positively.


Books I suggest in terms of Eastern philsophy: books by the Dalai Lama and Awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das. He's a cool guy, because he was actually a Jewish American, who attended UCBerkeley, and sought his own path in life by backpacking all througout Tibet and parts of India. You might want to check out his books and books by the Dalai Llama the next time when you're at a bookstore/library. It doesn't hurt to try and it doesn't hurt to keep an open mind and learn from different cultures and different people.

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Check out an audio book that came out last year called "It's Your Move! Transform Your Dreams from Wishful Thinking to Reality." It's 5 CDs. You can find it on Amazon. It's all about learning how to manage your life to have the experiences you desire. I just checked it out to make sure that it was still on Amazon and noticed that it is a finalist in the 2004 Book of the Year Awards from ForeWord Magazine.


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their is always the classics, (literature), have you ever read Poetry??


Waht one person loves another may not. So many books and so little time to read them all.


Try Charles Dickens, a fantastic writer. O'Henry as well.


Spend some time in Barnes and Noble or Borders, or any bookstore.

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