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Getting My Girl To Try Anal Sex Again

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How Do I gwt my girl to try anal sex again We Tried before and she said it hurt.and did not want to do it again but I know what do do this time and how to make it easy for her. The Only problem is now getting her to try it. Anyone have any suggestions?



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ugh...anal sex?! are you forreal?!


dude, how could it NOT hurt...things werent meant to go IN that orifice...only come OUT...i mean if she doesn't like it i doubt she'll be itching to try it again you know?


I honestly can't think of a way to get her back into that...





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I hate to tell you, but you probably did it WRONG...so you have no one to blame but yourself. I won`t go into tons of detail (GO, do some research on the internet, and I don`t mean looking at porn! For anyone who doesn`t know, a lot of the anal porn is NOT what you want to be using as a tutorial), but here`s the precis-


1) she has to WANT to, or no way will she be able to relax...Good luck on this one considering her painful memories. If you value your relationship, better make SURE she is not just saying yes to please you.


2) lots of lube...take your time...lots of lube, and I don`t mean Jergen`s lotion or saliva here.


3) fingercare first...FILE (not cut, and especially not chew!!) your nails short. Make sure your cuticles are soft and not ragged. Go get a manicure if you need one. Then think about anal sex. Even with soft hands and non-pokey nails, you can slide a (lubricated) condom over your finger if you want.


4) one finger...PUSH, PUSH, PUSH in until she relaxes...NEVER out. When she is relaxed, you can let HER push your finger out and go on to 2, etc.


5) after 3 fingers (and did you read the parts about lube and waiting and PUSH and NOT out until she`s relaxed??) then you can try with your penis. Don`t get so excited that you forget to wait until she`s relaxed and ready. PUSH in until she tells you it`s ok.


6) at all stages you can touch her other places, too, and talk calmly to her.


Do your homework, have a serious talk and maybe even say you are sorry that the first time was bad and want to make it better, and then maybe, just maybe, you will be able to have anal sex that is wonderful for BOTH of you.

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a few more tips from a guy who was able to work with his ex on giving good anal sex. A bit of it is repeated, but I think the most important part is the build up.

Before getting it

1) Girl has to be relaxed: A sensual back/body massage, with rubbing all over, or all over but not the erogenous zones--buy a good sexual massage book or look it up on the web. Constant sensual rubbing while going through all of the steps below...


2) Dirty talk: Complementing the girl on her butt, while you're massaging it, making all kinds of dirty thoughts go through her mind--are good ways for her to get to "want it". Not sure where to look for this for further research (books or internet, tips anyone?).


Starting it:


4) Fingers, just as was said in earlier post

5) Oral helps, on her clit, while your finger(s) explore away. So she can associate the pleasure with her anal stimulation.

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Nice tips, SoCal! I hadn`t intended to go into that much detail, but then realized that giving *too* vague a sketch might just make things worse. Yeah. Put the 2 posts together. Do that.


As for the dirty talk, telling what you are thinking/ feeling/ imagine she`s thinking/ feeling/ want to do/ imagine she wants to do would seem the most likely place to start.

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ugh...anal sex?! are you forreal?!


dude, how could it NOT hurt...things werent meant to go IN that orifice...only come OUT...i mean if she doesn't like it i doubt she'll be itching to try it again you know?


I honestly can't think of a way to get her back into that...






Anal sex only hurts when done INCORRECTLY. If done properly as the other posters above me described (lots of foreplay, tons of lube, slow at first) it actually feels good and is very stimulating. It is all about learning to relax those muscles that make it difficult at first. I find it something very intimate to share with a partner I am safe and secure with.

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