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recently i attended my friends bday party (16th, so you know the age group) and my ex gf and i were gettin really close. we were sitting on the couch and then she started to hold my hand and stuff, i put my arm around her and start to massage her stomach, we were really just being close. i even asked her "why are we doing this" and she said "i dont know...why do you ask?" and i replied "because i know that ur thinking that same thing" and we just left it at that.


and then we went outside there was music on so we started grindin on each other real hard and gettin low. it was pretty cool. throughout the night we were lookin like more of a couple than the other couples present. what im wondering is, does she want me back? before when we broke up (january 2004) she said that she wasnt ready for a relationship. and then when i asked her out during the summer (after incorrectly interpreting her mixed signals), she said that she didnt want a relationship. i dont want to go and ask her out again because im afraid that ill look like a stalker. but the physicality that me and her had at the party was just too great to ignore. what should i do?


thanks in advance

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I think that you should keep your interest in her but try to hide it a little because asking her out again in the near future would probably not result as something bad. By words and actions, let her know that you care for her. Don't always try to be freaky and grind on her like at the party cause she'll think that your only into getting into those jeans but still flirt and play.

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