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Hi everyone thanks so much for all the input. I guess I should have explained myself a bit clearer though. The strangest thing is that from the very first time I met this guy i felt so familiar and comfortable around him- U know the feeling u have with someone u've been in a long term relationship with. It really really felt like I'd known him forever or that he was like an ex boyfriend or something. It threw me so much that I had to walk away because it's such an irrational feeling- I dont believe in all that "de ja vous" stuff or anything. So I've been racking my brain trying to think whether hes reminding me of someone but no he's the most unique and out of the ordinary guy I've met. I don't find him physically attractive at all but awwww everytime I see him its like....... I really dont know how to explain it.... its just strange. So basically I'm avoiding him now 'cause its all 2 weird 4 me. I was hoping that someone may have had something similar happen 2 them so I could be assured I'm not going crazy.......maybe I am

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When humans meet other humans we take in immideatly many facets about who that person is. Thousands of little things.. we can sum up instantly the persons personality etc. Everything from the way the person carries himself, to the way he/she dresses.


I always noticed that immideatley when I look at someone I can always tell what that person is like etc (personality). And I'm usually right.


Yet appearances can still be deceiving. As a shy person I know this. I'm sure I give off a quiet, shy vibe and I am. But once you get to know me I can be as zany and off the wall as they come. Most shy people I find are like that. And the people who walk around with an attitude or appear to be confident, if not arrogant, have all kinds of insecurities.


Basically what I'm saying is that we all have many facets to our personality. You can't see all these facets from a brief glance. There mood may also have something to do with it. If you meet me at a time where I am upset about something you're opinion of me will be very different then if you meet me after I just aced my last final of the semester. To many variations and possibilites, need to be with the person longer to really know them.

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Something similar has happened to me, but of course it led nowhere. It's actually happened to me 3 or 4 times I can remember over the last ten years, but some people around me think I'm a psychic. Anyway, what would happen was I would have a foggy dream (like a Liz Taylor perfume commercial) or an image of a woman would flash in my head for a milisecond. I would meet a woman who resembled my dream/flash almost identically a few months or so later.


You are not going crazy, but this next theory is going to sound weird. This person may not even be a romantic interest. If you believe in reincarnation and that they eyes are the windows to the soul, if you combine the two you have a soul that may have been your brother, teacher, best friend, mentor, hairstylist, from a previous life. Does his whole physical persona look familiar, or just the eyes? Is it indeed a romantic familiarity or something more? There have been people who look very familiar to me, not resembling anyone I know, and it may be because we knew each other in a previous life, and it all lies in their eyes. And not all of them were romantic interests.


If reincarnation is indeed true, which I believe it is, then you may be looking at someone familiar in a past life. Or maybe I should lay off the marijuana. *joking!* But I'm serious about reincarnation.


Does that make any sense?

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just that at 14 you don't expect to fully understand love and the mistery behind it


Was that a typo for mystery or misery? Because both would fit.


Yes, I'm another 14-year-old who wants to share her thoughts.


I think love means something different for each person. Friends of mine go out for two days and already they're saying 'I love you.' For them it's just a word, it doesn't have much meaning. For some it's just a strong attraction. My personal definition would be sort of what ShySoul said:


Love doesn't happen at first sight. You can be attracted to someone at first sight but it takes time for real love to grow. Real love comes after you have gotten to know each other, have seen each other's strengths and weaknesses, have seen each other at your best and your worst. Love at first site is a romantic notion, but unrealistic.


That's what I think too, but I couldn't think of how to word it so I borrowed.

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