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Ok...this is kind of a long story, so i'll try to make it as short as possible...About 3 months ago i finally got up enough courage to tell the guy i've liked {since the 9th grade} that i like him. Things have been going good lately but i'm confused about alot of things lately... I like him alot and i can tell he likes me too but there's alot of things i'm not sure about...I've never had a b/f before or been in a relationship before, soo this is all new for me...But I have some questions on some of the things that are going on between him and I....He hasnt brought up the question of us being a couple yet...We've gotton to know each other, pretty well now, and i guess i'm too embarrased to ask him about that..would it be rushing him too much to bring up the question of us being a couple or not or would he feel forced to ask me to be his g/f? Also what are some signs that a guy wants to kiss you? I've never kissed a guy before and lately i've been getting the feeling he wants to kiss me..but i'm not sure..{like he'll hold my hand stare at me alot and tell me i'm beautiful...}But i'm not sure,...because he hasnt really told me we were together and i just dont want him/or me to just assume it and i'd feel kinda awkward bringing it up...Also, i'm kinda a shy person and i dont really know how to show him that i really like him... what are some subtle ways to show him that i like him and want him to kiss me? thanx in advance....

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firstly, don't put urslf down 'n say ur shy when u told the guy u liked him.. that took a lot of courage so well done


personally, i'd just take it one step at a time.. if u do really like this guy then u don't want to rush into anythin anyway.. just enjoy it as it comes


if uze both want to be a couple then believe me it will eventually happen 'n u don't have to be the one that pushes for it.. it'll just happen


it does sound like this guy really does like u so breakin the barrier of kissing mite not be a bad thing lol


wait until itz just u 'n him.. get close to him.. he mite be holding ur hand or hugging u.. lean in half way 'n he'll come the other half


if he really does like u (which it does sound as if he does) then he's not gona push u back or say 'what are u doing' lol


it'll just happen


tilt ur head to the right lol soundz stupid but .. well there u go lol



well best of luck 'n let us know how it goes




Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

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wow it sounds exactly like my story,so I can't really give advice since I also don't know what to do!!!but what I can say is that you are really brave for telling him you like him,believe me I know how difficult that is,and after you done so you kinda expect things to happen by itself and it is confusing when it doesn't!!! but i'd say take the time,enjoy every moment with him and don't worry because it all sounds very good and i'm sure that first kiss will happen soon,maybe he is just as nervous and confused as you...as it is the case in my situation goodluck!!!

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Kudos to you for telling him you like him! You don't say whether or not you're his first gf, but I'm betting he's new to this too. It sounds like he likes you and wants to kiss you, but is kinda shy. He probably hasn't asked you to be his gf b/c he's never asked anyone before and it's scary to do so. But from the sweet way he treats you (staring, call you beautiful) it appears that he already thinks of you as his gf!


Want a kiss? Kiss him! The next time he tells you you're beautiful, throw your arms around his neck, pull him close, and give him a sweet peck on the cheek. See how he reacts. If he looks pleased, tell him it's his turn! If he freaks out, apologize and tell him you just ate too many green M&Ms that day. Then hand him some!

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