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so scared......

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my girlfriend told me she was on birth control and i ended up cumming inside of her (on May 10 at about 12:00pm). she expects her period on the 26th. just last night (may 12), we were talking about the pill she was on and it turns out that she stopped taking the pill about a month ago!!! she said that she thought it lasted for a couple months after stopping. of course, i know thats not true and i got really scared that she was pregnant. i drove as fast as i could to the pharmacy and picked up the emergency contraception stuff. she took it at about 11:15pm (may12) and then the other one this morning at about 11:15am (may 13). it was the levonorgestrel one. im completely freaking out. i cant sleep. i have to force myself to eat. i dont know what to do because im so scared that shes pregnant. i need to know the chances that she could be pregnant and when the soonest time she could take a pregnancy test would be. please reply ASAP.

thanx so much.

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Well, now that's she's taken the emergency contraception, I think her chances of being pregnant are slim, but are there. I believe that the absolute earliest that a pregnancy can be detected is 5 days after the missed period, but it could take longer than that.


On another note... are you sure that this girl actually took the emergency contraception? Because if she lied to you about still being on the pill, might she lie about this also....? I don't know about this girl....


From what I understand, yes, it does take a few months for things to kick in whether you are starting or stopping the pill, but then again, I know girls who have gotten pregnant when they forget to take a pill or two.


Good luck! I hope you do not become a father too soon!

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well... it doesn't really matter. It could be 7%, 15%, or 23%. Hard to tell. She was ovulating around that time, so it is possible to be pregnant. But, it depends on the woman. I don't think having a number will give you much serenity right now - a negative test will.

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hmmm..... deep breaths. Lots of them. I don't think that there is a pregnancy test that works that early. usied says there is though. Call a doctor's office - see what they say. The thing is, 75% of all conceptions end in miscarriage. Yup - that's right. In the first stages after conception, 75% of pregnancies miscarry because there was something wrong with the embryo. This tends to happen in the first few weeks of pregnancy. So, many women have been pregnant without even knowing it!


All of these tests measure for the pregnancy hormone, HCG, so you can't detect the pregnancy until HCG levels rise.


Bide your time.... watch movies, keep your mind occupied. Chances are she isn't pregnant. You can worry all you like, it's not going to change things, so you're best calming down.

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It does take a little while to get the birth control pills out of your system, but that should never be relied on. If she took the emergency contreceptive then what the pill does is delay ovulation and fertilization.. so she will probably start her period. Otherwise you need to wait 5 days before her missed period and take an EPT test, take two just to be safe. But for now calm down there is nothing you can do now.... what is done is done.

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Hmmm, yes, she was indeed ovulating around May 10 through now, if her period is pretty regular. So that increases the chance a lot, but still doesn't mean anything. Lots of couples who are actually *trying* to get pregnant (no contraception/birth control at all), plus having intercourse while the woman's ovulating, still have to try many months before they conceive. I heard that generally speaking, when there's no birth control & the woman's ovulating, there's still only 35% chance of getting pregnant.


BTW, I'm female and recently took a morning after pill. But my (then) boyfriend and I weren't all that worried. I wasn't ovulating at the time, I thought the chances of me being pregnant from one incident of condomless sex was low...but we were just taking precaution anyway...

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i believe the emergency contraceptive is designed to work as long as you take it within 76 hours. if she took it within about 48 hours as you say, the chances of her being pregnant are very, very slim. to relax you should try putting some lavender oil in an oil burner, sitting or lying down and reading a favourite book while eating chocolate. that always works for me.

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I think first response is the brand that has a test you can take before the period is scheduled to begin. I don't know how many days ahead of your girlfriend's period, but I'm pretty sure that is the brand that does it.


But maybe it isn't where you are because there are different brands in different countries.

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I've heard of some women getting them as early as 8 days, but I've also heard of other women who haven't had any pregnancy symptoms (or didn't recognize them as such) for a few months. I think it all depends on the woman.


Plus, you have to remember, pregnancy tests so early tend to give false positives and negatives. So, even if she takes one next week, it may or may not be correct.

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Pregnancy symptoms are often the same as PMS symptoms...so women often mistake PMS symptoms for pregnancy ones.


The earliest you can detect is a couple days before period, but these are generally not AS precise as every woman is different and it will depend on when the egg implanted in the uterus to give off enough hormones. Take one a couple days before (a sensitive one) and take one a few days after missed period if it IS missed. Most tests are more accurate from first day of missed period to a week after. False negatives are common when taken too early, false positives are generally not "false" but may indicate a pregnancy was there but miscarried, or you may miscarry soon after one and then test negative. So if it shows up positive, get to a doctor right away to talk about options.


You did the right thing and got the MAP (good thing you ASKED her about the pill she was on or you might never have known till she did show a positive either this month or a couple months from now...). Give the time frame, it should work.


This was very irresponsible on her part and I can't believe she would not realize what she was doing...the pill can stay in system after you stop it, but some women still get pregnant WHILE on it, when they miss one or two pills, and some right after stopping it, all it does is mess up when you ovulate sometimes, does not prevent you anymore from doing it once you stop taking it. I am not sure what her "motives" were...when you change birth control you should ALWAYS talk to your partner but she is not responsible enough to be having sex - this is her life, a baby's life and your life she is messing around with. I would not rely on her for birth control anymore - use a condom if you choose to stay with her.

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