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confidence and lack there of ..a lil advice

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so ..i know that i am a nice person, and alot of people tell me that i am attractive. but i feel down alot about myself , maybe just because of a bit of bad luck in the past with men, and just plain sillyness...but i put myself down alot at times..far and few times am i like yes i feel beautiful today! and sometimes i think thats its more my personality? which some dont even bother to discover more than looks and scratching the surface but...who knows but i really know im speical to some ..but i think first i need to feel special to myself ...any tips , comments and love are welcome ..take care all

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Being beautiful isn't just about outside looks, but inside as well- even more so!! If you don't have a good personality then it shows through.

I think you know what you need to do... start talking to yourself.. read my quote.

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hey everyone, I find that i lack confidance i mean i have lots of friends btu when it come to finding a gf i seem to run out of luck, I had a semi relationship with a good friend of mine we both liked each other but she said she didnt want a bf this went on for 5 months, 1 day she ended it but 2 weeks later she began going out with and becoming serious with another guy, is there smthing wrong with me, i did my best, but i guess im not good enough what should i do about my confidance

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if you were friends with someone, and you were constantly belittling them, and making them feel bad about the way they look, etc., what kind of friend would you be? no one would choose to hang around with someone like that. instead, we want to be around people who support us, and make us feel that we can do anything we want.


be a friend to yourself. cut yourself some slack.


as far as confidence goes, the more you reinforce to yourself the positive things about you, the more you refuse to dwell on things about yourself that you think are negative, the more confident you'll get. also, confidence can be faked. always try to act just a little more confident than you feel. people can't tell the difference, and the more you do this, the more you'll see that there's really not much difference between faking confidence, and having it.

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