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Does she like me? or just a natural flirt


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Ok guys i posted befor, but this flirting keeps continueing. The girl is a senior, and im a sophomore.


When i say flirt, im not dumb..This girl is flirting with me all the time


Last week same thing, flirt , she would do things from always turn around..put sumthing dumb on my desk, grab me on my chest arms face, constantly touching me like monday, put her bracelets on my wrist to see if they fit.. shes already told me that she thinks im really hot, and wonders why i dont have a girlfriend. I flirt back as well...But usualy i wait til she does it.. I do things from grabbing her back or poking her back, grabing her shoulders..giving her a hug..btw i sit behind her she sits infront of me she also puts her head on my desk if u can find that possible.. shes asked if i had a brother, and if i did he would be really hot.. Im starting to like this girl from her constant flirting..and i never liked her befor her flirting..but it kinda got ahold of me..and shes messin with my feelings


When i gave her a hug the one time when we were seated i just put my arms around her and she like squeezed in like she was giving in with the hug..


Guys my question to you, would it be possible to date a senior, and im a sophomore and shes graduating in 4 more school days or less...



Or is she a natural flirt? she flirts with other guys around her but not NEARLy as much as me, shes constantly flirting with me...


but she got mad one week and said i was rude to her the whole week cuz she doesnt like it when i curse at her??


I need sum opinions...

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Well sounds like your a lucky guy , however, also be careful with your feelings towards her. Like you said, shes a senior. If she is just a natural flirt (which isn't too much of an off chance), then try not to get too close to her, cause it may only hurt you more once she leaves to college.

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Do you know of other girls who flirt that much with guys they dont like?


Most girls wouldn't flirt with someone they didn't like. Serial flirts on the other hand crave lots of attention. I've only met one girl like this in my life and flirting was like a blood sport to her. She broke guys hearts left & right for the h?ll of it (even when their gfs were standing right there), but she wouldn't date any of them.


I don't know if the girl you like is playing games, but since there are only a few days of school left, what do you have to lose by asking her out to celebrate her grad? If she says no, you won't have to see anymore. And if she says yes? Well you'll have 3 months to enjoy a summer romance! 8)

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Today we talked but, we were supposta be quiet so my teacher caught me and her talkin twice and she eventualy moved me..to like the back back seat.. When i was back there she looked back at me and smiled then blew a kiss, later she wrote in my notebook that was on my desk



Remember me when i'm gone but you're still here ( HAHA =) )


Class of



Were gonna get married in...8 yrs.


after class when we walked outside, i put my arm around her shoulder and got close to her and said you coming over tonight? *i always joke with her like that sayin we have sex all the time in the hot tub* and she giggled and said omg and that was that..

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Like others have said, just go for it. She leaves in 4 days....you've got nothing to lose. If she says no, you don't even have to worry about seeing her anymore.


I do know some girls who like attention to the point where they will get physically close to a guy (hugging, and even groping) and when he asks her out she says she doesn't want to ruin the friendship. Just a heads up, they do exist.....

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Ok guys thx for the input, i wanna let u guys know i appreciate it alot.


Update. TOday i got her number, she wanted me to sign her yearbook, and i was going to but i really didnt know what to put, and the girl next to me knew what she wanted to put, so i just gave it to her and when she came back to sit down she asked where is her year book and i said sarah has it (sarah gave me hers in return) and she asked if i signed it, and i said no and she was mad i had sarah's instead of hers, so she decided to put her head down the rest of the period..which sucked but oh well


i decided to text her next period since i got her number, and i said


I gotta talk to you, its anthony btw

her: Heyy about what?


her bad?

me when is a good time to call u?

her after school i guess

me: Im goin with my cuzin to a job int at 4 so ill call u sumtime around 4.


and that was it

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hey im Jessica!!!! lol i think you should sit down or something and just come out with it like say...hey..do you have feelings for me or just like flirting with me? cuz like you dont need ppl playing mind games with you cuz you cud miss a chance with someone else who does really like you you no what i mean? im trying really hard to explain this lol its kinda hard but oh well i like helping ppl...but i think you need to ask her whats going on if she says she just likes flirting with you i'd just forget about her and like move on keep away as much as possible from her and find someone you like and likes you back you dont need ppl playing mind games like that...


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K i called her today at like 4:44, talked to her for a bit when i was in the car with my cuzin, and i basicaly told her sorry for not sigining her year book today and i didnt mean to hurt her feelings if i did, she said she was only kidding, um tryin to think what else we said...basicaly that was it befor she said shes pulling into work and she asked if i wanted to call her back later tonight, i said sure and asked what time she gets off work she said 8:30 so i guess we will see what happens 8)


I need a girls opinion here: Would u ask the guy to call u back later tonight after work if u liked the guy or what..

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k update, she asked me to call her after she got off work yesterday, i didnt. I wanted to kinda not be 'all' over her by calling her twice in one day, so i just texted her saying im tired thinkin she would text me back, and she hasnt. she did mention she wasnt going to school today, and i texted her in the morning after i relized she had no texted me back from last night,


i wrote: Hey I meant to tx u sayin i lost track of time and didnt get to call. i was not sure if u were busy or sleepin or w/e call or tx me today


its after school just got home makin plans for the weekend, and she hasnt called nor text me back..whats the deal?


plz i need sum advice or opinions why isnt she responding?


btw last week she mentioned she was single in our lil group in class, but then a few days later she said they are kinda back together.


im not sure if shes tied up with her boyfriend right now or what

just whats up with her not responding me?

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plz i need sum advice or opinions why isnt she responding?


Oh boy. Not good. If a girl asks you to call her, CALL HER. By texting "You were too tired" when you had a definite phone date, you're basically dissing her. Your actions say "I can't be bothered to get out of bed to talk to you." Oy vey! #-o


btw last week she mentioned she was single in our lil group in class, but then a few days later she said they are kinda back together.


p0w3RFuL, I wish you'd mentioned this earlier cuz it sounds like she's not available. Be careful. Guard your heart. She's quite the flirt!

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ok well i told her befor she is a natural flirt and she gigled and said no she isnt


i also asked why she flirts with me so much (jokingly cuz my teacher bothers me about it)

she said she doesnt flirt with me, then right after she hits me in the face like totaly ignoring what she said.



What can i do to make sure if she is taken or not..should i call her again? if so what should i say? im thinking about just txing her saying:


i want u to reply to this, whats up with u and ur guy are u guys together? if so why do u put these flirt games on with all these guys? its messed up

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CALL HER. Ask her what the deal is with her bf. If she's attached, tell her "Rats! Your bf is a lucky guy" and move on to the next girl.


If she's not attached, invite her out. Tell her it's been fun hanging out with her in class, that you'll miss her when she's gone, and that you'd like to take her out to celebrate. Make sure you have a specific activity, date, and time planned, so that she'll have to give you a definite 'yes' or 'no.'


If she accepts, dress up a little, but don't take things too seriously. You don't need to confess any feelings. Just try having as much fun as possible. Hold her hand, hug her when she arrives/leaves, and tell her she looks really nice when you first meetup. You get bonus points if you open doors for her and pull out her chair when dining. At the end of the evening, walk her to her front door and tell her that you had a wonderful time and that you'd like to see her again. If she seems receptive, look into her eyes and slowly lean over and briefly kiss her on the lips. Smile mysteriously and walk away... Let her figure out what just happened for once! 8)

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