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Gifts to someone you love

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hi im 22 and in Jan this year started dating a guy who is 32. He calls me atleast twice every day to say he loves me. he is very affectionate and makes me feel very loved whenever we meet because he cannot keep his hands off me - he looks at me lovingly all the time, looks into my eyes and tells me he loves me and is totally focused on me.


im just a little confused about something though. Valentines day he did not give me anything. on my 22nd b'day he called me and sang for me over the phone and said he had to give me my present. but on the many occasions that we met since then I received nothing. I just thought that a man who loves always gives thoughtful, meaningful gifts and gestures to his girl. I dont know what to make of this and how to approach this subject to him. also he has called me over thep hone a few times when he was drunk to say he loves me. does this mean he really loves me if he says it when he is drunk too? Please reply. I will really appreciate it. Thank you

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Well, for starters, as long as he tells you he loves you when he is sober, then he still loves you as much when he is drunk, too! That's a good thing, I would think... ;-)


As far as gifts go... That's kinda tough... Some guys are 'good' at that and some stink at it (I fall into the latter category). Part of my problem is that I hate to do the cliche' kinds of things, but then that often leaves me doing nothing though I want to do something... Maybe he is one of those kinds of guys.... He may not know what you 'like' or what you're 'into.' Have you talked about those kinds of things?

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If it was me, I would not have given a gift on Valentine's day either, since I had just met the person the previous month. But then again I would probably not be professing love so soon either.

This reminds me of an episode of Cheers where a character had very little money and was fretting over what to give his girlfriend (who happened to be rich). He decided to compose a song for her and then performed it in front of her whole family at her birthday party. When he was done she smiled and said "that was cute, where's my gift?"

If he's telling you he loves you when he's sober too, then it must be partly true. Alcohol has a way of heightening emotions and maybe he is overwhelmed at his feelings for you. If it bothers you that he phones you when he's drunk, keep an eye on that.

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