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Very sad, please help.

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Ok, here's the low down, my boyfriend, Richard, is a senior, I'm a freshman going on a sophmore. He is leaving for the Air Force September 2, and I most likely wont see him until......who knows when. Right now, it's been a week since I've seen him, and will be another month before I do, and I'm going insane already! I can't imagine not knowing when I'll see him next, worrying about him all of the time, can anyone give me some advice to help me not miss him as much? He doesn't have a computer, so we can't communicate that way, and right now, he is 5hrs away, so phone calls are usually out of the picture, and when he leaves, he's going to Texas for basic, and God knows where after words. I know that phone cards help, that's what I'm using now, but they don't last forever. Just, someone please help me. I'm desperate.

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Hi livia_eve25 ,


Welcome to enotalone.com, we wished you a warm welcome. I am not gilgamesh or heretic but I'll try the best I can to help you. Since calling and the computers are out of the pictures, is there a way you can see each other? If not, the only way I know is the writtings. You may expressed how you feel and if he can do something about it. I feel like you already knew that but I hope i've been of some help.


good luck


Jeff l. Spiegel

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This may sound cruel...but unless he's coming back to your town after basic training, you may want to end the relationship. I grew up in a military family and have several friends who ended up joining the military. Its really hard for relationships with 1 member in the military to last, especially with the two of you being so young. I don't know the details, but its quite possible he's going to be spending a *lot* of time in other states or overseas...

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Dextro: thanx for the suggestion. We do plan on writing each other, but I don't think that will help much. I mean it will! don't think I'm trying to be rude here, it's just, I don't know, he means a lot to me and I will really miss him. AfterThisIsOver: don't worry aobut sounding harsh, my parents agree with you, they think our relationship is over the day he leaves, but that really isn't what either of us want. I know that it will be hard, but hopefully not that hard. Thanx for the help though.

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Basically I'm crazy about a girls I just met.... anyways, then I find this place. Then I see your post, so here's how I view it:


He'll leave for his trainings. You two will still communicate, but when time goes, the less frequent. Then two of you will meet different ppl... so after years, u two are different ppl. When finally u two meet again, will that be a spark or else...?


Give him freedom, give u freedom. friendship will certainly outlast long dist relationship. just thought that might less the stress for both of you.

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