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Whirlwind Euro tour


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Hi all,


I am looking at doing a likely Solo tour of England and Western Europe, maybe toss in more if I get the heavy foot driving syndrome. Mostly wanting to tour WW1 sites (my great passion according to an ex), so I am looking for out of the way spots to explore in addition to big site like Verdun and Vimy. Also any tricks or tips for blending in and not looking like a typical Yank tourist.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi, i don't know if you're planning to visit Berlin? I have been there a few weeks ago and found the entire city amazing, you feel the history.

And while there we visited concentration camp Sachsenhausen which is near there, that has made a huge impression on me!! I can recommend everyone to visit a concentrationcamp once in their life.

So I'm not sure if you're planning to, but in my opinion it's a must see.

There are work camps and the camps where people were tortured and gassed, the work camps are not that impressive I've heard, but the other ones sure are, Sachsenhausen has made a lasting impression on me for sure, Auschwitz is a bit further away but it's said to be even more haunting....

Sachsenhausen entrance is free, and i had looked up all the info online beforehand and saw all the pics, but even then it's way different to actually be there yourself, feel the atmosphere and see the remains of the gaschamber. Left me very very quiet!

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For World War I sites, I would recommend sticking to France and Belgium for maximum bang for your time. I recommend the Circuit of Remembrance, which goes through many battlefields and you get an amazing understanding of the scope of the Battle of the Somme and the unbelievably huge losses. The Lochnagar Crater, also Somme related, and a wildly foreboding example of the technology of war. The Menin Gate in Belgium, the Verdun Memorial, these are all the sites I have been to. And, of course, Paris and right outside of Paris. But I am really not one for whirlwind, I like to set up in one place and real get to know it. You could go to Paris and do some day trips while getting in the new WWI museum in Meaux (outside of Paris) that is supposed to be spectacular.


Oh, and no matter what, everyone will know you are American immediately, that is just how it is. You can avoid "ugly" American by keeping your voice down, being polite, waiting in lines and listening when spoken to.

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Hey Sara,


World War I and World War II are two different wars. Related, but different, very different.




Uh wel yeah I'm not stupid so don't talk like i am please, i didn't read the ww1 part because i was barely awake, but my answer still stays! It was hugely impressive for everyone

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Hi, i don't know if you're planning to visit Berlin? I have been there a few weeks ago and found the entire city amazing, you feel the history.

And while there we visited concentration camp Sachsenhausen which is near there, that has made a huge impression on me!! I can recommend everyone to visit a concentrationcamp once in their life.

So I'm not sure if you're planning to, but in my opinion it's a must see.

There are work camps and the camps where people were tortured and gassed, the work camps are not that impressive I've heard, but the other ones sure are, Sachsenhausen has made a lasting impression on me for sure, Auschwitz is a bit further away but it's said to be even more haunting....

Sachsenhausen entrance is free, and i had looked up all the info online beforehand and saw all the pics, but even then it's way different to actually be there yourself, feel the atmosphere and see the remains of the gaschamber. Left me very very quiet!


Thanks Sara, I hadn't planned to go quite that far East; but it may happen. I will say Dachau left me stunned, I can only imagine how much worse Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz are.


For World War I sites, I would recommend sticking to France and Belgium for maximum bang for your time. I recommend the Circuit of Remembrance, which goes through many battlefields and you get an amazing understanding of the scope of the Battle of the Somme and the unbelievably huge losses. The Lochnagar Crater, also Somme related, and a wildly foreboding example of the technology of war. The Menin Gate in Belgium, the Verdun Memorial, these are all the sites I have been to. And, of course, Paris and right outside of Paris. But I am really not one for whirlwind, I like to set up in one place and real get to know it. You could go to Paris and do some day trips while getting in the new WWI museum in Meaux (outside of Paris) that is supposed to be spectacular.


Oh, and no matter what, everyone will know you are American immediately, that is just how it is. You can avoid "ugly" American by keeping your voice down, being polite, waiting in lines and listening when spoken to.


Arjumand I hadn't heard of the Meaux museum, I'll add that to my list! I'm huge into seeing the countryside so the driving tour sounds right up my alley.

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  • 1 month later...

Actually, I think traveling makes me better. I always come back home full of energy and motivation. That's why I like to travel. I am currently planning my next trip and can't decide where to go, who can recommend a good destination in September? And is it possible to find cheap flights?

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  • 2 weeks later...
You might enjoy watching some episodes of "Rick Steves' Europe."


I have been watching a bit of Rick, I like his style of presentation.



I've just about filled out my rough schedule (that's all I ever really do any way), booked what needs to be; and now counting down the weeks. Over a week in Belgium, Champagne, and Normandy, then another week in the British Isles (priming the pump for a future visit). All rather exciting.

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  • 1 month later...


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