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Why on earth are all guys considered "easy"

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Hi, lately iv noticed this. Girls around me, all of them, seem to think that since im a guy anything with T and A is good for me. I have bee propositioned by alot of people, im a virgin and damn proud of it.


All the girls i know who have tried to be with me at all immediately go for me in a sexual way. I have done everything up till sex, but that feels fine to me. Lately iv found out im a very odd guy. all these girls are going after me after my last relationship, but they all just want me for sex.


At this very second i have three girls who are all trying to use me in sexual ways. I dont get it, do most girls consider guys this "easy" especially on the rebound?


i lately have found im attracted to a close friend, i dont have a crush on her, im just attracted. I have no idea why it is that way, but for some reason it makes me feel wrong. im attracted to all of her not just her body, i mean her mind and her emotions and everything.


so two questions really (excuse me for the above rant).


1. Do most of you girls consider guys really easy to get with sexually when they are single even when they just came out of a relationship?


2. Am i any less of a good person because im only attracted to this girl not just crushing on her?

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hey you know what our age group is a difficult time and even though 15 wasnt that long ago for me it was defnintely the toughest year as far as finding myself. as far as just being attracted to this girl and not crushing on her honestly i think this is a sign of maturity. its not as fun and you're feelings of infactuation are not as heightened which can often make you believe you're in love. so good for you, this is a good thing. evne though crushes are fun and hopefully you dont stop having crushes but honestly when you have reallly strong feelings for someone you usually dont have a crush on them. because its so much deeper. now as far as us girls thinking guys are easy....well...personally i dont see it that way. i mean most guys are but i can tell some guys arent like that. but i notice alot of girls use guys "horniness" to manipulate things. sometimes i feel as if with my guy right now the only time he feels really connected to me is when we're making out or something. so it just leaves that impression that sex means we will be able to get you or keep you or whatever. so these girls probably feel as if the only way to "get you" is by using sex. but i know some guys have high standards while some dont care just like girls. but there are girls that see it that way, and they do use this to their advantage. by making it clear that you dont want sex it will make them wnat you more lol. but it seems you have a strong bond with someone and you should persue that and take the rest of the girls throwing themselves at you as great flattery!

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the one thing is, i already know that me and the girl im atracted too work great on everything sexually. we didnt go far at all, hell i havent even kisse dher! but it was just alot more passionate and intense than anything else even without the kissing. But i also know that we have such differen t outlooks on things, that even if she did ever date anyone, we would make an absolutely miserable couple. i would do anything for this girl, and probobly do anything to be with her again. shes also the most interesting person iv ever known. its like it would have to be friends with benefits but that could be the only way we really work together

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lol wow its like me and my ex. we went out and it was great while it lasted amazinggg connection and when we kiss its so intense. we went out for 9 months and then he was confused. going out in the same school puts alot of pressure on you. so 6 months after breaking up we started flirting like crazy and realized we still liked eachother. now we're not official yet we've made it clear that we are exclusive and have said i love you to eachother. yet we dont want to put that label on it because then there will be this pressure that will screw it over. look right now we're more than friends with benefits yet less that bf/gf. and il ltell you this: im enjoying it, he is too but there is alot that i know is hurting me right now. and i think you should let this girl know how you feel and see exactly how seh feels and maybe you guys will figure out a way to be together without the crappy parts. like my bf and i....but its not easy.

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i just figured all of this out with her, i told her i was attracted to her, and shes attracted to my personality but not my body at all (she likes more pretty men). and well no clue where this leaves us, i would never in any sense of the word try and date this girl. would end horribly, i think anything trying to get this girl to be exclusive would end miserably.

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I believe that the perception is that guys will take whatever is put in front of them, this is true in some cases. There are guys out there who dont act like that, you are simply acting differently than their expectation. Which is very common when people begin to make generalizations.

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Number one, and I don't want to sound like someone who is a giant "stick-in-the-mud" but you are FAR to young to be having sex! And who are these girls who are trying to get you to have sex? Even the messing around is going a little bit far for only being 15. I am 20 years old and in my second year of college. I did not lose my virginity, or do anything "below the belt" for that matter, until last year, when I was 19. As for your question, I don't think all guys are easy. But when a girl likes a guy, and thinks he likes her back, then she will almost certainly be more aggressive in trying to get what she wants (i.e. sex). However, it seems odd to me that these girls in your age group are already pressing for sex...wow...I'm truly amazed. Be proud of your virginity, and keep it as long as you want to...don't let anyone change your mind. One of my best guy friends is a virgin, and he is almost 20 years old! He still does "other things" with girls, and is perfectly happy with himself, and his life. Hang in there, things do get a LITTLE bit easier once you're done with high school.

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I've heard a lot of people say that "15 is the magic number" when it comes to people losing their virginity. I know a lot of girls (and guys) when that was the time that they lost it. Similarly, I know a lot of people who were mature enough or stuck to their morals enough that they waited until they were much much older because they weren't ready.


I agree with goddess that 15 is that year where you make or break your personality and find out who you are. For a lot of people, developing sexually is a big part of that.


I think the perception is that at that age all guys think like that, and if they aren't having sex then something is wrong with them. Kudos to you for waiting and wanting to wait, it's a very mature thing to do.


Are guys easy? Not most of them. Do people expect them to be? Yeah, probably.

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