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Suicidal? Try this.

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I hope this helps. I am trying to share my view on suicide with as many people as I can on this board.


Thinking about suicide is a sign that there is something about yourself that you don't like and you don't want to deal with it, so you take the easy way out because dealing with the deep problem(s) you have buried seems more scary than just ending it all.

That's ALL thoughts of suicide are- a defense againse the things you are afraid to deal with.

Suicidal thoughts are simply the most extreme form of fear.


What you need to do is to confront the thing that scares you- the thing that is making you THINK you want to die- and "kill it" psychologically by leaving it behind. (If you need help with this or it's too scary, then call a Hotline or a counselor. They can help.)


When I was suicidal in my 20's, here is what I did (and it worked): I imagined two "Me's" - the Old Me, who I didn't like any more and the New Me, who was the person I wished I was. Then I made a list of all of the things I hated about my life that I wanted to to "kill," and I burned the list while imagining the New Me killing off the Old Me. Done- the Old Me was "dead" as far as I was concerned.

Then, I packed up my bags and moved to another state and started over. I considered my former life "over" and "dead" and reinvented myself as a new person.

I figured, "Well if I was going to die anyway, might as well stick around and see how things WOULD HAVE turned out if I hadn't 'died.' "


Here is an interesting article about "killing" the parts of your life that you don't want to deal with: link removed


Just remember, if you are thinking of suicide, it doesn't have to mean PHYSICAL death. It can just be the psychological death of those things that don't serve you well any longer that you are actually trying to escape from. So- escape from them and start over someplace new. Change your name. BE someone new. Try it- just to see what would happen if you did. What do you have to lose?


As for me, I'm on my 3rd life now. Still trying to get it right, but it gets better every year.


And if someone is hurting, abusing or messing with you- turn them in to the authorities. Live to see them pay for what they did to you! A good life really IS the best revenge.

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That's a really fab idea. The idea of rather than killing yourself-killing the parts of yourself that you hate and want to 'die'! I'm personally not suicidal but I found that very interesting and I'm sure loads of people who are thinking of killing themselves will find that very useful!

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My thoughts of suicide came from an overwelming hatred for most people. I love myself but few other people i really even like. Also, earlier this year I realized my life's dream for a few years is flat out impossible, and I'd most likely be completely misunderstood. But my reasons for living came to one thing, and I blame my cousins for introducing this to me, but my main reason I bother staying alive is for Seinfeld. Everyday it's on, every chance I get I watch Seinfeld. The other three reasons are I wouldn't want it to hurt and I want it to be too quick so I don't have anytime to regret it. The last reason is I don't want it to be messy. So I came up with three ways to do this, one is this one pill that they give to soldiers so if they are captured they can kill themselves instead of being torchured. The next, I attempted, was this exact prayer, "if there is anysort of god or goddess or deity, kill me." Didn't work. There I lost faith in god, but I tryed another prayer to see something else and that was "to meet someone i actually like, a person flawless in my veiw" Didn't work either. The last attempt I can't really do, but I tryed totell myself I didn't exist, and nothing exists. The problem is I can't get myself to really believe that.

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  • 6 months later...

my thoughts about suicide came from stress and people screwing me over from almost all my life. they would constantly be very rude or mean to me, and they would try to control me or my life, and still to this day, i've had that problem. at first, i thought about death, but then again, it's not worth it because i've been told that i can waste my life over bull---- and that i had so much potential to do whatever i waned to do with my life. don't do it, you'll be missing out on a lot of things in lufe.

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Thinking about suicide is a sign that there is something about yourself that you don't like and you don't want to deal with it, so you take the easy way out because dealing with the deep problem(s) you have buried seems more scary than just ending it all.

That's ALL thoughts of suicide are- a defense againse the things you are afraid to deal with.


I disagee with that definition and here's why:


Suicide is often a symptom of depression, and can also be the result of a logical decision.


Some people have problems that are completely out of their control. The loss of a loved one, suffering, advancing disease or clinical depression can leave one unable to cope with living.


I've dealt with depression for over 30 years. It has nothing to do with unresolved issues or fear of my personal shortcomings.


I would never dismiss suicide as the easy way out, since I have never done it. I'm not talking about threatening to do it, that's often a plea for help. Fantasizing about death is pretty common, especially among young people. Suicide is the actual act of ending it.


Often people have the feeling the world is singling them out for unfair punishment. Maybe it's true, and the world is out to get you, but perception plays a role in this belief. I remember feeling relieved when I figured out the world doesn't pay enough attention to me to care how I feel. Other people do, but the world at large goes on by itself.


I just can't imagine telling folks in despair that their neglect of personal issues is leading them to becoming suicidal. I'm glad you've found a solution that works for you, regardless what it may be.

Pain is no fun at all.


I just stick around to watch sunsets and smoke cigars.

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Cute idea Nymph.

Paticularily if the real problem is hating yourself. Thisis a suicide without a suicide.

](*,) But the other major form of suicide isn't where you hate yourself but the world hates you. And theres nothing you can do about it. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)


Then even moving on can become impossible.

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