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Hey Everyone

I was dating this girl for 2 years, and we were so much in love, she went on a trip to india back in december 04, for a month, and when she came back she was all changed, wasnt giving me the time or attention anymore, sayin shes to busy with school and work. Its now May, and we broke up 5 days ago. We got into this argument about a month ago n she started saying how she doesnt want a relationship anymore, doesnt love me, doesnt wanna be with me anymore, but i got her to give me 1 last chance. I then made a lil mistake, i broke a promise that we made early in our realtionship, and she caught me, she knew about it for a month, and didnt pull it out until our last argument which was a few days ago when we broke. I never cheated on her, the mistake was, i went on this chatting site that we both used to go on, but we both promised we wouldnt anymore, but because she wasnt giving me the time anymore, i went on it to just talk to people, no intentions of meeting or dating anyone. But she caught me, and started saying how im a fag n she hates me sooo much, and that she doesnt want a relationship anymore, doesnt want me, doesnt wanna be in a commitement, just wants to be breathe and be single forever, and doesnt want anything to do with me anymore. The past few months when the relationship was going down, i kept asking her to make time, she said she would, but she never did, just occasionally, like once every 2 months, i asked her if she would try n get us back to how we were in so much love, and she said honestly no im not gonna put in the effort. She said all we can be is friends, but if i try to get her back, shes gonna block my email and never talk to me again, and i know theres no other guy involved, because shes busy with school and work, she has no time, Everyones saying that the reason is not a good enough reason to break up after 2 years, that she was juss looking for a reason to end it, and that 'site' happened to be it. Im almost 100% that shes not comin back, but i got mixed feelings, parts tell me she is, other part tells me shes not, if anyone can help please tell me how do i get this girl back?


Kevin J

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Dude, I am sorry to say that but your relationship is done.. and when girl says that its mean she decide way before saying that to you almost 3 to 4 months something going on behind.. anywayz.. if you want to save your self and feelings just forget abt and never call her and never ever become her friend..thats the worse thing a man can be with a girl who he love..I know its not easy to forget but Honestly its good for you and your life.. she changes her mind its not your fault .. manitain NC 100% with her..I am telling you she will come back.. bcoz girls need a man who r strong with their feelings and decisions..so just tell her that I respect your feelings and I will never come back to you.. Good Luck..thats it..and leave with smiles..Put a price tag on you man.. comon.. You r not worth the penny for a girl..

and The pain you have is the best Man can get in his life.. so enjoy your own life.. and look for some1 else..


Here is the steps..

1/ Sit at the quite place and think what is the thing you r not serious abt your life..like Study, job, family, etc etc.


2/ Go gym and workout like crazy make yourself muscular.

3/ Put always a smile on your face..thats really important.

4/ Shaved yourself, stay clean, and buy good cloths and be in style.. this is not for her for other one who is waiting..

5/ Write down the things you like and dislike abt her and always think positive and straight.

6/ friends are trhe most inportant people who will help you to come back.

7/ Dont talk abt your past relationship to any1 else. (Thats important).

8/ Take out your all emotions alone... yeil, punch something with doesnt hurt you hands..but never ever cry,, try to love yourself.


Dude I know its not easy to forget but to become 90/10 .. you have to do that and you will..


BY the way the things and situation with you really normal .. happens to every1 in this world.. so take it as a good experience and again smile ..

Be muscular and Hot dude..



Good luck ..

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One possibility is that (just a possibility) she met someone in India, had some adventures together, got some guilty feeling thereafter, and now trying to fly from that.


Whatever be the reason, if someone is not interested, you should respect the feeling. Because, if you want to go for a one sided relationship, it is better to get the contrary than this one, if u r looking for a happy married life.


One problem with us is that we always try to grasp hard something that we feel we are loosing. But again, u can get a lot of other girls in ur life, isn't it?


And then again, when u will start going out with someone else, she may feel to loose u ... get jealous, and can come back to u ...



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