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I hope someone can help me with my dilema. I am an attractive 30 something year old woman. I also have a thrivng career and the proud mother of a beautiful son. Other than my son's father, I have never really been in a relationship. I would like to start dating, but don't know where to start. I have many avenues to meet men (church, work, gym, son's sporting events, etc), but it seems like no man is interesting in asking me out. Am I putting out the right vibe, or has fate cause my love line to be stricken to one lover?

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I think you are probably putting out the wrong vibe, or body language. How do you let a man know you are interested? How can you tell if a man is interested? We usually don't use oral communications when sending these messages, we use body language.

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I am generally the life of the party. I am very socialable, am always invited to parties and outings, and I am pretty confident and friendly with everyone. I always smile and say hello when I am physically attracted to a man-whether he says hi first or not. The conversations are generally low-key, but sweet. However, these few attempts end up as "not interested-no phone number request" or "good friend to be".

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I think without seeing you in action, it would be tough to figure out why things are happening to you. It could be for various reasons. There are thin lines we need to walk in order to get things to work. Too far one way or the wother and things get out fo whack. Maybe you need to really analyze your game more, and maybe learn what a good game looks like.


If all the doesn't work, why not try the internet.

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Well the fact that you have a son my limit your chances of finding another man. As men we don't want some other mans genes in our pool. Its a stupid trait to have but we think it werther we like it or not. But all i can say is keep looking open you options to men you usually wouldn't date as far as looks go, you will soon find that not every average looking man is as average as he seems. Gl

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