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Feeling SO Alone, With No Real Hope

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It has been a long time since my last relationship, and ive never had a REAL relationship, just one that i thought was real a long time ago...

in january i moved an hour away from my old home to go to school, and it was fine because i had a couple friends up here with me, and i went home regularly on weekends but now my summer semester is starting, all my friends are home... im getting a job that will require me to work weekends...


my friends are all an hour away, and i only have a few good friends, i dont know anybody up here, and i dont really have any prospects (as far as a relationship is concerned)


im just feeling really crummy today, and this is all piling up, im worried about my summer...



im really just venting, i dont think there are any solutions to my problems...

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get to know some of the people you are working with. they have the same schedule as you do, so they will be looking to hang out on week days. Also, if your buddies dont have too full of a schedule, an hour is not that long of a drive, they could come see you a few times.

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